Monday, September 30, 2019

Abigail Adams – Short Essay

Former first lady, writer. Born Abigail Smith on November 22, 1744, (by the Gregorian calendar we use today) in Weymouth, Massachusetts. Abigail Adams is best known as the wife of President John Adams and for her extensive correspondence. She was also the mother of John Quincy Adams who became the sixth president of the United States. The daughter of a minister, she was a devoted reader, studying the works of William Shakespeare and John Milton among others. Adams did not, however, attend school, which was common for girls at the time. In 1761, she met a lawyer named John Adams.Three years later, the couple married and soon welcomed their first child, a daughter named Abigail, in 1765. Their family continued to grow with the addition of John Quincy in 1767, Susanna in 1768, Charles in 1770, and Thomas Boylston in 1772. Sadly, Susanna died as a toddler and later the family suffered another tragedy when Abigail delivered a stillborn daughter in 1777. With a busy law practice, her husba nd spent a lot of time away from home. This situation only worsened as John Adams became an active member of the American Revolution and the Revolutionary War.As a result, the couple spent a lot of time apart. She was also left to carry much of the burden at home, raising their children and caring for the family farm. The couple remained closed by corresponding with each other. It is believed that they exchanged more than 1,100 letters. Abigail Adams expressed concern about how the new government would treat women. In one of her many letters to her husband, she requested that he â€Å"Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands.Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If perticuliar care and attention is not paid to the Laidies we are determined to foment a Rebelion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation. † Odd s pellings aside, Abigail Adams often expressed her thoughts on political matters with her husband. Throughout his career, Abigail had served an unofficial advisor to him. Their letters show him seeking her counsel on many issues, including his presidential aspirations.Adams remained a supportive spouse and confidante after her husband became the president in 1797. Some critics objected to Abigail’s influence over her husband, calling her â€Å"Mrs. President. † The nation’s second first lady kept a busy schedule when she was in Philadelphia, the country’s capitol at the time. Adams rose early to tend to family and household matters and spent much of the remainder of the day receiving visitors and hosting events. She still spent a lot of time back in Massachusetts because of her health.Around the time her husband was defeated by Thomas Jefferson in the 1800 election, the Adams learned of the death of their second son Charles, which was related to his alcoho lism. With great sadness, the Adams soon moved to the country’s new capitol, Washington, D. C. , where they became the first residents of the White House. Abigail Adams wrote many letters to family around this time, shedding light on the early days of the new capital and complaining about the unfinished state of their new home.A few months later, after John Adams left office in 1801, they returned to their family farm. With John now retired, the couple was able to spend more time together. She continued to run the farm and to care for the family members, including their eldest child, Nabby (young Abigail’s nickname), who died of cancer at their home in 1814. Struggling with her own health for decades, Abigail Adams had a stroke in October 1818 and died at home with her family on October 28, 1818.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Chapter filipino

This chapter presents the research design, the respondents of the study, the research instruments and the statistical treatment to be used in the presentation and analysis of the data. Methods of Research used The descriptive method of research was used in this study. Descriptive method of research Is a fact finding study with adequate interpretation of the findings. It describes what Is. It describes with emphasis what actually exist such as current conditions, practices, situations, or any phenomena. Since the present study orInvestigation was concerned with the level of difficulty between algebra and geometry to sophomore of Santa Rosa Science and Technology High School during school year 2012-2013, the descriptive method of research was the most appropriate method to use. Sampling Technique This research uses the random sampling in determining the number of respondents. The researchers will assess the difficulty level of algebra and geometry of 56 sophomore students In Santa Rosa Science and Technology High School during school year 2012-2013. Description of Respondents The respondent were the sophomores students in Santa Rosa Science andTechnology High School in school year 2012-2013 that includes six sections namely: Pasteur, Linnaeus, Mendel, Darwin, Watson and Hook. Distribution of Respondents Section Number of Students Pasteur 41 10 Linnaeus Mendel 37 9 Darwin Watson Hook Table 1: This table shows that two of the six sections contain 10 respondents while the remaining four had only 9 respondents. All of the six sections have near range of Research Instrument 1 . Questionnaire. This is a researcher-made questionnaire which is composed of 2 parts. Part I is the general information of the respondents that include the age and sex of the respondents.Part II is the questionnaire for the assessment of the level of difficulty between Algebra and Geometry to sophomore students of Santa Rosa Science and Technology High School during school year 2012-2013. Data G athering Procedure Development of the instrument, after reading and studying samples of questionnaire from related studies, the researchers prepared their own questionnaire. The researchers also consulted some knowledgeable people about how to prepare one. The researchers saw to it that there were enough items to collect data to cover all aspects of the problem and to answer all the specific questions under the statement of the problem.Then the researchers submitted the questionnaire to their adviser, Dry. Scorer B. Escape for correction after which it was finalized. The copies of the questionnaire were then distributed personally by the researcher by the researcher to the respondents. After few days, all the copies Statistical Treatment of the Data The researcher will use the Weighted Mean, and the Relative Frequency. 1. Mean (x). This is to determine the average scores of some variables subject for study. X Where: x – the median n – the number of respondents 2. Relat ive Frequency.This will be used in the presentation and analysis of data gathered for problems using the formula: % = fin x 100 Where: f – frequency n – total number of respondents % – relative frequency Cover Letter Dear Respondents, Please be informed that we are conducting a study on the level of difficulty between Algebra and Geometry to sophomores of Santa Rosa Science and Technology High School in school year 2012-2013. In this connection, we have constructed a questionnaire to gather adequate information to know the level of difficulty between Algebra and Geometry. In fact, our research teacher, Dry.Scorer B. Escape has encouraged us to conduct the survey and promised to help us get your cooperation. Your participation in the study by way of answering the questionnaire is very important. Without it, our study wouldn't be successful as it should be. Kindly fill up the questionnaire and return it to us. Please feel assured that your anonymity and the inform ation you will give will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. Thank you very much for your very kind response to our request and if you are interested, we will supply you with the results of the study. Very sincerely yours,

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Argument - Essay Example Banning universities from showing, or rather, selling students list to credit card companies is a smart move. This is because; higher learning institutions should be the ones imparting life skills upon students. Instead, to benefit from the fees they get from the credit card companies, they give access to the students; this shows the level of corrupted morals in the country’s institutions of higher learning ( Thus, it is evident that students require loans to survive in colleges, unless, of course, one is from a well background. However, in spite of this fact sticking out, colleges and universities expose students to risks knowingly that they do not have the income to sustain the costs of financing a credit card. In this regard, institutions of higher learning should not grant access, whatsoever; despite the benefits, they bear from these companies. In addition, some of these institutions give misleading information, moreover to selling student lists, by giving promises of broader options concerning higher-education options (Golden). The information collected from these students is only beneficial to credit companies that commission such surveys and capitalize by using it for marketing. Other than exploitation by both institutions of higher learning and credit card companies, credit cards are a deception to students as they are not crucial to their life as students. Credit cards do not add any value except accrued debt and a lifetime of paying for it. Colleges should actively advocate against the use of credit cards, as they are non-essential products required by students. This is a critical move towards helping colleges and universities lower their own costs of operation, as well as save students the trouble of having claimants on their back. The move is significant because of the charges that come with processing credit card payments thus, curbing the operating costs of these institutions. Therefore to ensure that students do not use the ir credit cards, or even to deter them from using the said cards, some institutions are charging the processing fees in cards such as visa that are used to pay for tuition, parking and other services rendered in the institutions (Greene). Therefore, by doing so, credit card companies will be deterred from mounting their marketing stands in colleges and luring students to apply for finances that they do not require. This is by use of gifts at campus events in an attempt to attract them towards opening a credit card account (Zhu). In addition, due to the lack of independence demonstrated by most students, since they are either dependents of parents and guardians, the use of credit cards exposes them to greater risk (Zhu). This is in the form of promoting inability to cope with their own needs and put an end to reliance on advances; that one cannot afford due to either low income or lack of means to do so such as a job. Not only do they put students at risk, but also the parents and gu ardians who co-sign the application forms as per the law (Zhu). This is because; by spending that which they do not have puts the guardian in a position of responsibility to bear the cost of financing luxuries in the name of emergencies most of which usually end up as â€Å"fashion emergencies†. The fine print, otherwise known as terms and conditions, used by credit card compa

Friday, September 27, 2019

Credit Card Fraud in the USA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Credit Card Fraud in the USA - Research Paper Example The onus falls on the merchants to pay for the credit card fraud and if it lacks in proper insurance, they have to incur the chargeback fee as well. The US is moving towards a cashless society but credit card theft has become a major concern of retailers, consumers, credit card issuers and the law enforcement agencies (Hearn, 1986). Credit cards were introduced in the 1950s and since then fraudsters have been finding ways to attack the system (Byrne, 2010). According to The Survey of Consumer Payment Choice, there were 176.8 million credit card holders in 2008 and the average cardholder has 3.5 credit cards (Woolsey & Schulz, 2011). Credit cards represent the majority of the total $315 billion US financial fraud loss in 2005 while according to a European study more than 22 million adults were victims to credit card fraud in 2006 (Conlin, 2007). According to the 2009 LexisNexis True Cost of Fraud Study, retailers lose $100bn a year to consumer-facing fraud. Twenty-four percent of all retailers, 43% of whom have a strong online presence, reported increase in losses through credit card fraud. Most card fraud payment losses were borne by the card issuers (59%) followed by the merchants (41%), says Sullivan (2010). In 2006 the total fraud losses were estimated at $3.718bn as per table provided below: Source: Sullivan (2010). The process for approving card payments depends to a large extent on information. The criminals have an incentive to steal this information and this leads to attacks on computers, data breaches and ultimately payment fraud. Card fraud is the highest in the United States than countries such as UK, Spain and Netherlands. Better technology in the payment approval system can help combat fraud to some extent. Online payment approval permits automated checks against wider sets of information such as the cardholder’s zip code or transaction history (Sullivan, 2010). Criminals gather such information and use it to commit fraud. Criminals steal wa llets, intercept mail and get access to account statements, or even spy and gather information when the card is in use. Video cameras secretly placed can capture valuable information. Phishing and hacking are other modes through which criminals gather information to conduct fraud. Credit and charge card fraud cost cardholders and issuers millions of dollars each year. Earlier the fraud used to occur over the telephone when the fraudster posed as an organization representative and offered incentives in exchange for credit card information. Theft is the most common form of fraud but people can also use the card number without the knowledge of the owner of the card (FTC, 2009). The thief eyes the trash to collect discarded receipts or carbons through which it is possible to obtain the credit card number. Others ways in which fraud can occur is when dishonest clerks make an extra imprint and use the card details to make personal charges. Now the criminals use packet-sniffing programs on the Internet and steal credit card information electronically. The largest case in the US credit card fraud history took place in 2008 when Albert Gonzalez and his team attacked TJX and other companies (Byrne, 2010). They acquired more than 130 million debit and credit card numbers and stole tens of millions of dollars. These were basically of customers of 7-eleven and other retail giants.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Managing Human Resources and Labour Relations Term Paper

Managing Human Resources and Labour Relations - Term Paper Example Rights of employee at the workplace All the employees working at the workplace have the fundamental rights that involve the privacy rights, rights to have fair compensation and complete liberation from any sort of discrimination (Sims,2007, p.556). A person who is not the employee of the firm but is there for applying for a job has also certain basic rights that should not be violated by the employer even before hiring the employee. The rights that comes under such category includes right of no discrimination on the basis of age, cast, race, nationality, religion or gender while hiring the person. For instance: forthcoming employer has no right to ask personal questions to the applicant regarding family issues or matters while taking interview. In U.S. many of the states are following the right of privacy for the employees at the place of work. Such privacy right diverges into many areas like privacy of personal items, handbags, briefcase, and lockers for the employee as well as priv ate mail address that has no access of the employer. Moreover, the employees also have the right to have the private phone talks and voice mail message box that is only accessible by him. Nevertheless, there is a minimum privacy given to the employees to their email addresses while using the internet connection and desktop of the workplace. For the employer, it is vital not to enter into the potential job applicant personal information as well as some other issues. The employer has no right to check the background and get the information about the credibility of the person until and unless the employer has taken the written permission from the employee to conduct the check. Without the permission, the employer may face a violation of employee right. In addition to these rights of employees, there are some other rights that include: Employee right to have a freedom of no discrimination and harassment Employee has all the right to work in a safe environment that is free from the toxin materials, dangerous circumstances and should be given the safety precautions. Employee has the right to complain or file a claim regarding the employer in case of any misconduct. Such rights of employee are also termed as whistleblower rights. Employees have the right to get the accurate wages of the work they have done. Federal laws for employment relationship There are several federal laws and regulations dedicated to the employment relationship. Title VII is applicable to a workplace with more than 15 employees according to which there should be no discrimination while hiring the employee by the employer on the grounds of color, gender, cast, nationality or religion (Griffin, 2007, p.195). American with disabilities act ADA act describes the disability as the mental or physical that limits the moves or activities. This law prevents the discrimination against the disable person (Veres, 1995, p.)159. Age discrimination in employment act prohibits the employer to prefer the younge r generation over the older workers. This act is applicable to workplace with more than 20 employees and for employees having 40 years of age. There is no law regarding the prevention of preference

Effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Effects - Essay Example According to the Encyclopedia of Earth (2010), the average Northern American emits an average of 20 tons worth of CO2 equivalent in a year. Latin America hosts the world’s most biodiversity in its forests, the Amazon, which is currently facing a challenge due to the amount of deforestation taking place for the sake of construction projects (Global Change). The problems are not restricted to these two aspects, the industrial revolution and the government policies established to promote the industrial sector causes harmful gases to be released in the air which can be a cause of acid rain. This can cause a number of health hazards for a lot of people and even destroy structures with the passage of time. The effects of climate change and global warming is not isolated in a particular region or continent, it is a global issue and has caused numerous disasters across the world. Over the last 35 years there has been a significant increase in the number of category 5 hurricanes which has been linked to the rising ocean temperatures due to the depletion of the ozone layer (NRDC). The weather extremes have also gone over the edge of the spectrums as droughts have now a higher probability of occurring. Summer temperatures in certain regions such as Australia are already high but due to the steady rise in temperature wildfires are more prone to occurring. Such fires have cost governments across the globe millions of dollars due to the extensive damages. Rainy season is also become a threat as the recent floods in Australia, Brazil, Germany and other countries led to intense levels of flooding and caused a large number of deaths. The effects are not confined to the human population alone but according to the National Resources Defense Council (2011) there could be an extinction of about 1 million species of by the year 2050 if the current trend does not change its course. It has also brought to attention that due to the lesser number of ice floes in the polar caps th e polar bears are drowning as they cannot manage to swim the long distances from one floe to another in search of food or shelter. Forests such as Bermudas mangrove forest are also slowly disappearing as the sea levels continue to rise while glaciers that sustain life are slowly melting. In order to avoid a complete upheaval in the natural order of the world there needs to be serious rethinking in the way of doing certain things. There can be many legislative steps that can be taken to pen out laws at a national and international level to maintain checks and balances on industries and other businesses to curb their output of harmful gases. Governments also need to stop the trend of sustaining themselves on non-renewable resources and look for cleaner and cheaper ways to maintain a steady energy source. Wind, solar and hydra power are renewable and practical especially for developed countries that have the resources and the capital to be able to set up such plants. Even nuclear power would cut down on the waste that is emitted in the air by coal and gas and oil burning but that does come with hazards of its own. Fossil fuels are not only a danger when they are burned but their transportation and extraction itself can be hazardous to the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Magnesium analytical methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Magnesium analytical methods - Essay Example Magnesium is an important element in medicine, industry, consumer products and biology.Understanding the analytical methods for interpreting magnesium levels is crucial to chemical analysis across a diverse range of scientific and industrial endeavors. In order to better understand magnesium and its interactions, it is important to examine fundamental of the element that have been previously pioneered. This knowledge sets the stage for application of contemporary techniques to produce new and exciting results in magnesium analysis. The element Magnesium has the chemical symbol Mg, as appears on the periodic table. The atomic number for the element is 12 and the average atomic mass of its isotopes is 24.3050. It is a group IIA element (Group 2) also referred to as the alkali earth metals. The most common naturally occurring isotopes, or those that are stable under standard conditions are the three stable isotopes, 24Mg, 25Mg, and 26Mg, although nineteen radioisotopes that range from 1 9Mg to 40Mg have been isolated; however, these unstable isotopes commonly decay to atoms of sodium or aluminum depending on their weight and composition [2]. Of the stable isotopes 24Mg is the most abundant, accounting for approximately 79% of Earth’s magnesium [5]. The most common oxidation state for magnesium is the state that corresponds with its noble gas valence configuration, Mg2+, a state which is responsible for the majority of compounds formed by magnesium [2]. Compounds may appear with oxidation numbers as small as zero in some cases, however, as magnesium is found in a great diversity of naturally occurring compounds. Magnesium commonly forms chlorides (MgCl2), oxides (MgO), and hydrides (MgH2) [5]. Because of its historical relevance, it is no surprise that magnesium compounds were studied as early as the 1700s, when the physician and chemist Joseph Black, who is sometimes credited with the discovery of magnesium, reported initial research on magnesium compounds. This pioneer work paved the way for the acceptance of magnesium as an element, though it was nearly half a century later when pure magnesium metal was able to be first produced, partially due to the strong binding of magnesium to other elements in compounds [5]. The English chemist Humphry Davy first prepared pure magnesium by developing a system to pass an electric current through molten magnesium oxide (MgO), causing the compound to decompose into its component elements magnesium and oxygen gas as follows: 1.2 Abundance and Common Compounds Magnesium is the eighth most abundant element on the earth, appearing in the earth’s crust, surface minerals, and seawater predominantly. The name magnesium dates back centuries. In fact, due to the large occurrence of magnesium in geological samples, the name was selected in honor of a region in Greece known as Magnesia which contains large supplies of magnesium compounds [5]. The element magnesium forms 2.3 percent by weight, 2.0 perce nt by molar fraction, and 0.3 percent by volume of the earth’s crust. Additionally the element commonly is found in seawater and tap water [1]. Several well known magnesium materials that occur in the earth have been known for centuries. One such material is calcium magnesium carbonate, or dolomite, which has the formula CaMg(CO3)2, which is used as a building material [5]. Another example is magnesium sulfate, or Epsom salts, which have the formula MgSO4. Epsom salts occur naturally and are used in cosmetics and bath products. Magnesium is also estimated to be a common element throughout our solar system, estimated to contain seven hundred parts per million by weight and thirty parts per million by moles magnesium [5]. Magnesium ions have been role to play important biological roles in nucleic acid biochemistry, enzyme activation, and many other biological systems [3]. In recent years increasing emphasis has been places on the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Gender Studies about the family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gender Studies about the family - Essay Example tion, on the other hand, depends on the ability of the other to  acquire  the most  excellent  species  or the higher number of mates basing on the degree of  difference  in reproduction (Marlene 8).  Birds with longer tails  illustrate  sexual  selection  as they attract more females contrast to the ones with shorter tails despite their risk as an easy  target  prey  and  hardship  in flying.  Females tend to  differentiate  the  little  differences amongst the mates and they prefer to mate with individuals who posses exaggerated behavior. These characters also  aid  in their survival (Marlene 9). Biologically, people might  deny  the differences of structure composition and hormones among men and women; they differ on the significance for gender values and qualities regarding the differences. Organization in the brain has also been used to determine the sex difference as in the case where females are more  superior  in  their verbal skills than men, because woman are  dominant  in the left-brain while men are better in the  image  and spatial skills because of their right  brain  dominance.  The physical differences between males and females  bring  about the  division  whereby men are more aggressive than women and have stronger muscles while females have  a better adapted pelvis  for childbearing.  Men’s aggressiveness helps them in their social life because it acts as a defensive mechanism. Parenting  is profoundly based  on gender. This is because being a father, or a mother means different things to the parents. In the act of preference, gender  is illustrated  by the issue of how men treat their sons and daughters with difference. The importance of a man relating to a woman is  essential  because it helps both parties  evaluate  whether they are a family man or a  wife. In parenting, labor  division  is  dominant  because men engage in public  category  of working hard to  support  the family while women, on the other hand, fall in the category of child

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Two artists research Clay Ketter and Jen Worden Paper

Two artists Clay Ketter and Jen Worden - Research Paper Example His most famous works include 90 by 90 cm Broom closet wall (2001); a mixed media on masonite and plaster board, 180 by 244 cm Spider Woods (2010); C-print photograph mounted on diasec and 110 by 110 cm Clear (1993); silicone, cloth on plasterboard. The scale of his works is close to but not completely life size which gives the observer a surrealistic perception. Human and social issues are important for Ketter and in his latest work these issues have become more and more evident. For instance in Gulf Coast Slabs (2007), photographic objects show traces of homes blown away by the hurricane Katrina that hit the American Gulf Coast in 2006. The aesthetics developed in this series lie somewhere between reality and abstraction. Even though Ketter’s work does not portrait humans, it revolves around the way human beings live, construct and deconstruct. Ketter has imprinted history on his art work. Jen Worden is a resident of Canada. Art has been her life-long obsession. Her works of art comprise of watercolour, pen and ink illustration, digital media, paper and bookmaking. Her current interest is in mixed media collage and assemblage. Although Jen’s initial training was in fine arts, she has worked in digital media for over ten years. Her inspiration comes from the beauty of nature; beauty which needs to be depicted and presented to the world. Worden’s favorite technique is creating textures; from gluing layers of paper to different mediums to attaching layers of metal to pick up textural highlights. The idea of working on something with one use and turning it into something with a new usage fascinates Jen and this is exactly what she has done in her mixed media works. Her work is influenced by the mentality of discovering new and creative uses of everyday material. Her mixed media work can surely be called a rebirthing process as it involves the retouching of older and uninspired canvases into something new and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Leadership Vision Paper Essay Example for Free

Leadership Vision Paper Essay The vision statement continues the expression of the desired service and the level of achievement necessary to achieve the mission. The values selected are those that support example of innovation-based mission, vision, and values statement (Porter-O’Grady Malloch, 2011.) My vision statement is: To treat all patients with dignity and respect at all times. To explain not only what I am about to do for them, but why. I will provide Evidence-based research, when available, for their knowledge. I will allow them autonomy, in their decisions. I will provide each patient compassion and empathy, at all times. I will remember they are a person not just a patient. We will come to understand the vision through the various sections of this paper. The sections are: Key concepts of vision, Critique of evidence, Importance in nursing and lastly, the Summary. Key concepts of vision I believe that when a patient is given the evidence-based information in a clear and concise manner, they are in a better position to make better medical decisions. While I am providing each patient with evidence-based research, I am proving them with the necessary tools to make the informed decisions. In turn, giving them the autonomy they deserve. Being respectful, showing empathy and compassion are all easy tasks to perform, when the patient is thought of as a person, not just a patient. An example would be when I explain why I am about to perform some task, not simply that I am going to perform the task. I need to ask permission of the patient, giving them the opportunity to reject the task. It may be in their best interest to have the task performed, but, if I respect them, then I will respect their decision. Critique of evidence In an article titled, Toward the ‘Tipping Point’: Decision Aids and Informed patient Choice, â€Å"there is strong evidence that patient decision aids not only improve decision quality but also prevent the overuse of options that informed patients do not value†. Which I believe aids in better patient satisfaction. Policymakers increasingly believe that encouraging patients to play a more active role in their health care could improve quality, efficiency, and health outcomes (Coulter Ellins, 2007). Another area that I have an important stance on is that the patient is a person, not just a patient. In an article by Danielle Ofri, she talks about a crowded waiting area where the medical assistant is yelling out the patient’s name, so cattle-like. â€Å"Nevertheless it feels horrible to me, so demeaning, like we’re in the DMV instead of a medical clinic. I want the environment to be more humane, more civilized, and so when I go out to call a patient, I use a much softer voice, with a tone that I hope conveys more respect.† Importance to nursing According to Lesly Simmons, a blogger for Georgetown University, the Nursing profession is the most ethical and honest profession for the 11th year in the Gallup survey. â€Å"Nurses have been the highest ranked profession for 11 out of 12 years.† So why is that? Nurses consistently capture patient and public trust by performing in accordance with a Code of Ethics for Nurses that supports the best interests of patients, families, and communities. They often are the strongest advocates for patients who are vulnerable and in need of support (Sachs Jones, 2012). Summary Treating the patient as a person shows the patient that I respect them as a person. When I respect them as a person, I have more compassion and empathy for them. When I have empathy, compassion and respect for them, I can help them make better choices. By giving them evidence-based research I am providing them with the tools so they can be more informed. By being more informed, they have a better understanding of their situation. By them understanding their situation, they will then have autonomy. Allowing the patient autonomy, gains respect from the patient for the nurse. Hence, making the nursing profession the most honest and ethical profession over the last decade. So, I continue to keep my vision statement close at hand. References Coulter, Angela., Ellins, Jo. (2007). Effectiveness of strategies for informing, educating and involving patients. BMJ 2007;335:24 O’Connor, A. M., Wennberg, J. E., Legare, F., Llewelllyn-Thomas, H. A., Moulton, B. W., Sepucha, K. R.,Sodano, A. G., King, J. S. (2007). Toward the ‘Tipping Point’:Decision Aids and Informed Patient Choice. Health Affairs. May 2007. Vol. 26(3) p716-725. Ofri, Danielle. (2012). Humanizing Medicine and Respecting the Patient. A Sweet Life. January 19, 2012. Retrieved on January 16, 2013 from Porter-Ogrady, T., Malloch, K. (2011). Quantum leadership: Advancing innovativion, transforming health care. Strategies to integrate and advance innovation. 3rd ed. p149. Sudbury, MA: Jones Bartlett. Sachs, Adam Jones, Jemarion. (2012). Nurses Earn Highest Ranking Ever, Remain Most Ethical of Professions in Poll ANA Urges Policymakers to Listen to Nurses on Health Care Policy, Funding. American Nurses Association. News Release December 4, 2012. Simmons, Lesly. (2011). Nurses Most Respected Profession for 11th Year. [ emailprotected] Blog. May 16th, 2011.

Friday, September 20, 2019

An Environmental Analysis Of eBay

An Environmental Analysis Of eBay The eBay is involved in internet auctions; it has been the most successful company in electronic auction that hosts more than 25 million sellers all over the world. Due to its reputation as a leading e-commerce company, it is the most competitive company. This company has come a long way since its inception by Pierre Omidyar in 1995, it was originally known as Auction Web, it faced a big challenge from its first sale of a broken laser pointer but now its web page leads in advertisements of diverse array of goods. This is a comprehensive business strategy for eBays e-business initiative in a detailed report form for the eBays CEO. It explains the value proposition and analysis of the company, on top of core competences that the company posses. The report continues explaining about the analysis of markets and evaluation trends of business in terms of competitive forces of potters five forces. The study explains the challenges that are faced within information and communication globally, as eBay business becomes global with certain stresses on the main processes of business, and systems like customer relationship customers, acknowledgement that is already in systems of legacy. Nevertheless, ICT infrastructure, efficient use integration of B2B, on top of security and standards. The risks that are involved during development stage, mainly concentrates on technical development of product requirements, as well as problems dealing with finances. The chances of market monopolization due to factors like customer test change amongst others. The major objective that the business might have included; keeping owners comfortable, raising the sales growth for the business survival; enabling the survival of the market at the beginning of and during the hard moments. Another objective might be maximizing the profits, to ensure that the business is supported. The critical success factors that the study found were: raising quality of products and production rates; promoting products and efficient service delivery and designing advanced strategies of advertising for revenue boost via increasing the sales. The study found that, the costs incurred by the business at the start of the business includes; cost for technology, technological development costs, consultation fee expenses, piloting training costs, running costs self advancement cost, among other costs. The benefits enjoyed include; improved cash flows, revenue increase, communication among other advantages mentioned in the report. The current situation has exposed the business to a very much competitive market with other e-commerce companies like the Amazon, followed by a decrease in the customer preferences with most customers preferring for goods with fixed prices rather than auctioned goods. The eBay auction company has therefore to make efforts to maintain its initial position in the market. The eBay company has major achievements that when restructured will help it to propel further and achieve its former glory. In 2008 its marketplace segment managed to generate over $ 5.5 billion as compared to 4.8 million which was generated a decade back in 1998. It has thousands of people that depend on it for their merchandise. The three year revival plan that was aimed at creating an array of comprehensively structured marketplaces to effectively capture the customer demand by locating them at one online spot. The adjustment of the fee structure to accommodate those sellers with fixed prices. The adjustment of the search ordering system to enable first appearance of the highly rated merchants. Embracing of new technologies such as Skype to increase communication over the internet. The efforts towards expansion of the services through the acquisition of websites such as the stubHub that is involved in ticket selling and the prostores that enables creation of the online stores. An Environmental analysis of eBay Company Analysis and Value Proposition The eBay company has been operating internet auction for a long time. The company has risen to higher height following the internet action business. It made it t mushroom to a very big company dealing with electronic marketing over the world. Pierre Omidyar found it in 1995 and at that time, it was known as Auction Web, deriving its name from its function. It now sells a wide range of goods and it has risen to the top clime of the business world to become on of the most recognizable and well-known web sites. The company has found its revenue grow ten times in a decade in the United State rising from $4.8 million to $5.5 billion between 1998 to 2008. This was realized from selling merchandised goods. This represents a great growth meaning the company has a great market share. The company has made very many people to support themselves by selling through the eBay while a couple of them use the business service to supplement their income (Reaves, 2003). Its value to people is seen by getting the way it has been visited. It emerged to be the most visited site at 2008 on the web. Value Proposition The company is able to embrace change to ensure that it realizes its goals. For example, the company in 2009 first quarter revenue went down and required a great intervention. The customers preferring fixed priced retailers brought made the eBay company to lose badly. Most of the customers opted a more simple buying technique that did not involve such things as bidding that took most of their time. They also experience a great pressure from their competitors, as there emerged so many online sellers making most of the buyers to consider the auction technique obsolete. Therefore, in pursuit of reviving their business they decided to uphold change brought by the customers demand. They started an online fixed price sale and started coming out of the auction part. They also made this more competitive by centralizing the sale system by ensuring comprehensive market place array through their systems (Tatnall, 2007). The company also was able to embrace change by moving its business by joining secondary market that offers overstock method. The Companys Core Competencies Finance The company has a very strong background. This is generated from the revenues it collects from its daily functions. The company collects a lot of revenue from fees and commissions associated with sales made. The revenues come from the direct advertising site while others are from the end to end service providers. The finance e gotten is made to expand the company globally with a lot of ease. This makes the company to stand at a competitive edge in carrying their daily services that requires finance. Advanced Technology The company has provided the small scale retailers with end to end service using PayPal that enhances business transaction through the eBay. This site helps to impose several types of fees on these sellers that include posting and collection fee of unsold items. They also adjusted their eBay search ordering system to ensure that the highly rated merchants were the one who appears first to ensure that they receive more exposure. The system used a very complicated formula that ensures item price is linked with the buyer and offered them a place to rank the seller according to the customers satisfaction. The technology they have has seen their smaller sellers of unique goods that have in the past successive. The investor supported the move very much making the company to have a great move to the right direction as far as expansion is concerned. Provision of Incentives The company adjusted their payments towards the provision of their service to their sellers. This move was made to cut across the board with no group benefiting than the other. The is made the company to gain more popularity as more sellers were able to access the market through the service provide by the company, hence fast expansion. Market analysis and trends Evaluation of the business in terms of Porters competitive forces model. According to the company, the market analysis can be made by use of the five porters forces. The analysis assumes that there five forces that are important in determining the competitive power of the business (Mindtools, 2010). The first one is the supplier power. The company has inclined their services to the fixed price suppliers ensuring that they narrow their suppliers to small group thus ensuring that they have stronger business suppliers. They have used the technology that they have to ensure that they are able to connect the suppliers with the customers. The suppliers are made to have power as they are made to choose between the prices that have been placed for the marketing purposes. The next one is the buyer power. The company are able to help the buyers to get in touch with the suppliers and to made then to have a platform that ensure them they are able to rate the sellers according to the price of the item they offer. This helps the suppliers to lower the prices of the products that they are selling trough the buyers intervention. Therefore, the company is able to control a wide market range through this process. Competitive Rivalry The eBay company has experienced competition rivalry from different company that offers the same service thus making them to have a decrease in the market share. They have tried to counter this by providing the services that the customers require after ensuring that they have realized this. They have changed their business target by introducing a fixed price platform to ensure that apart from the auction system, they are capable of having another faster means of business. This has made the company to start being revived. Threat of substitution is another force that the company has to deal with to ensure that the customers are not a threat to them by providing similar service. The companies are able to work with very high technology to ensure that the customers are not able to imitate them. They also have centralizing their business system to ensure that they are able to control their business and their top company secret kept a bay from the customers access. Threat of a new entry is another force that the company has to fight with to ensure that people do not interfere with the market. They have strengthened their technology making their market share a little bit firms. Technology and ICT System The companys ICT sector has done well as they are able to change it with a lot of ease. The interaction between the businesses to business has been working well as their are able to interact very well. The suppliers very easily making their ICT sector to be the best when it was started in 1995 have assimilated the technology that they have made over the years. The company has made sure that the security of the buyers and the sellers are entitled through the proper use of security (Quickmba, 2010). They have been able to maintain this over the years through a complex and multiple technology use. By integration of such technology, they have been very competitive. Value Proposition The company is able to embrace change to ensure that it realizes its goals. For example, the company in 2009 first quarter revenue went down and required a great intervention. The customers preferring fixed priced retailers brought made the eBay company to lose badly. Most of the customers opted a more simple buying technique that did not involve such things as bidding that took most of their time. They also experience a great pressure from their competitors, as there emerged so many online sellers making most of the buyers to consider the auction technique obsolete. Therefore, in pursuit of reviving their business they decided to uphold change brought by the customers demand. They started an online fixed price sale and started coming out of the auction part. They also made this more competitive by centralizing the sale system by ensuring comprehensive market place array through their systems (Tatnall, 2007). The company also was able to embrace change by moving its business by joining secondary market that offers overstock method. Business Plan Risks The risks during the development stage will usually center on technical development of the product, marketing, personnel requirements, and financial problems. By identifying and addressing each of the perceived risks during the development period, you will allay some of your major fears concerning the project and those of investors as well, (Dictionary, reference. 2011) The Opportunities and Objectives Opportunities The opportunity to monopolize the market by influencing the Changing customer tastes. The Liberation of customer preferences to increase the number of stable and potential customers. Utilization of the Technological advancement to expand the business through acquisition of more internet service delivery. Utilization of the Change in customer preferences to improve the eBay reputation. Objectives To enable the market survival at the initial start up time and during the hard times like the market or at a time of crisis. The aim of the owners and the shareholders to maximize the Profits to be supported. To keep the owners comfortable by making enough profit. To increase the sales growth to enable the survival of the business Critical Success Factors Increase in Product quality and production rates Improvement on the Distribution channel s. Setting of fair and competitive Prices Promotion of the products and the services delivery. Design the advanced Advertisement strategies to boost the revenues through increased sales. Cost and benefits (ROI) Cost Costs for technology produce an e-commerce website which requires high speed connections onto the Internet, develop a web server, and its software.  The costs of the payment systems is among other costs that are relevant, This is irrespective of whether it is by taking the online payments directly from the Societys web sites or from an alternative third-party agent such as the Pay pal or from a more expensive service like the use of an online bank. The technological development Costs. This might involve several programmers who can be able to make an interpretation of eBay functional requirements and the programs or create the companys website.   The Costs incurred for the consultancy support through design and the implementation the services of specialists in e-commerce will be required in especially in the design and the implementations to guide the eBay management through this process. Costs due to the organization for the piloting training. In the process of the technological development of the website, it is a good idea for one to allow the administration staff to be using the system on almost a daily basis to pilot the systems as part of a training initiative. The Running costs These are mainly the upkeep of the web server and its maintenance costs. The Running costs for change process This involves the costs which factors in for the employees of eBay company to train and adapt to newly introduced technology, mainly some of the strategies that will be used to make the changes as smooth as possible. Self Advertisement. In addition to the eBay chance to be on the Internet it would result in the familiarity to the responses to the emails, the queries, and the complaints that requires the instantatious or very quick responses as it is opposed to the replies to the Customer/Client via letters. To successed online, the eBay company must address the issue of Change Management so that it incorporates into its business, processes which will enable the guiding of the company so that it can successfully maximize its Internet effectiveness.   The Financial Benefits Improve Cash flow The Online payments results into the lead-time in receiving the payments for the memberships within the same day of application.   E-enabling all the membership processes is not always on the reengineering processes which makes it quicker than before, it results in a very complete overhaul to the previous ways of managing membership.   The E-enabled application and payments are always made online.   On the completion of the application, the documentation is quickly sent via the email to the members therefore adding on the value by cutting down the waiting time. It also saves when it comes on the printing and the postage for the Society.   Even if when the member has no email address, the documentation is still available for downloading for those registered members on the web site. The Increase in the Revenues The Internet increases the volume of the members thereby increasing on the total revenues that are collected as fees or commission on goods that are sold. Non-financial benefits Communication The direct email marketing incurs very little or no costs when it is compared with the traditional direct mail marketing.   The direct email marketing always allows for the flexibility of sending the companys message either day or night, as they want. Transparency The Website for Information Management allows the membership process to be completely transparent.   Management will be in a position to know: The total number of members Members in need of renewing their membership Members with arrears on membership fees   The Total number of the members and the accredited members The Forecast towards the expected revenue to be generated in advance by looking at the historic monthly revenues that have been generated. Exposure The availability of the Internet implies that eBay becomes a global Business as a result of the exposure.   This attracts the potential members internationally.   The use of the Web to sell eBays products eliminates the physical boundaries the customer base.   The Customers all over the world can easily search, find out and purchase the products on the eBay products online. Wider Considerations During the signing up process of the prospective members for membership, personal data is being provided.   The provided data includes; the members name, the full address, and the credit card details.   Implementation Plan Objectives Secure a stead market and be to carry out the business global within a year. Sign up more than 3 million customers all over the world within the first three years of operations. To increase the number of business websites to 10 within the first year. Tasks Secure new markets worldwide- general sales manager. Obtain licenses and permits legal executive. Set up regional blog on the websites project manager. Begin recruiting customers sales manager. Create marketing collateral marketing manager. Solicit referrals from clients relationship manager. Tasks Resource allocation Time allocation Progress Secure new markets worldwide. sales manager 3 months 100% Obtain licenses and permits. legal executive I month 100% Set up regional blog on websites. project manager 6months 50% Begin recruiting customers. sales manager 1 year 20% Create marketing collateral. marketing manager 1 year 20% Solicit referrals from clients. relationship manager I month 100% Strategies for assessing the e-Business initiative Balanced Scorecard for eBay Scorecard Balanced Areas for Measures Strategic Objective Measure Metric Target Year 1 Financial a)Raise the customer retention. Business ability to retain the customers. Customer. high b)Grow the business by focusing on customers. Bring in more revenues from each customer Customer. high c)Increase profitability range. Improve the overall profitability range of the company to over 70%. profitability range. ↑70% d)To increase competence level of the business. competitive level of the business will be raised to the highest level. competence level. high Customer value perspective a)To prioritize customer needs and value. The customer needs and value will be highly appreciated. customer needs. High appreciation b)To raise the customer retention/turn over. The customer retention ability of the business will be raised to the maximum of 90%. customer retention ability. ↑90% c)Enhance the customer satisfaction. Satisfaction of loyal customers to be enhanced customer satisfaction. Enhanced Process or Internal operations perspective. a)Initiate a strong measure of process performance Initiate a strong measure of process performance to increase overall efficiency by 80% this financial year. process performance 80% b)To increase productivity. Formulate policies of the business to increase productivity. Productivity. increased c)To improve the operation metrics of the business Operation metrics of the business will be improved to the highest standards within the consecutive series of three years. highest standards. high Learning and growth perspective. a)Increase the technological innovations Increase the technological innovations of the employees to by encouraging experimentation and creativity. experimentation and creativity. Increase b)Optimize the company s workforce Optimize the workforce by reducing the overall turnover from 17 to 13% by the end of the financial year. Overall turnover. ↓17% c)Mentor organizational culture. organizational culture will be mentored towards increment of the productivity by implementing SMART goals. Increment of the productivity Increment Major revenues are derived from the fees and the commissions obtained from the sales transactions, partly the advertisements on the sites and the end t end kind of service provision as that of paypal. The eBay requires heavy financial investments in the range of over $100 that should enable it maintain a stable position over the market place and gain the advantage over its competitors like the Amazon retailers who have successfully gained monopoly of services such as the sale of goods with fixed prices, which is advantageous over the traditional means such as auctioning. The required finances can be sourced from the financial institutions in the form of a loan. These finances can be used to upgrade the achievements of the business. Web site Analysis of eBay EBay needs to develop the analytics for analyzing web site performance. This will be used for the purpose of taking measurements, gathering, analysis and reporting internet data for the reason of optimizing the web usage. Apart from being a tool of being measuring website traffic, it can also be used both in business and market research. Their application can enable eBay to take out come of traditional print campaign of advertising. It wills also helping traffic elimination to the web to the change of website after launch of advertising campaigns that is new. It will provide eBay with data on the number of visitors page views and so on, that is used to gauge popularity and traffic trends which help when carry out market research., (Sterne, 2002) Being one the analytics categories, off-site web measurements and analysis regardless of being ones own or for the web maintains, takes them 5 weeks. Among them, is the measurement potential audience website; visibility or share of voices; and lastly the buzz or comments that is happening as a whole on the internet. On the other hand, on-site web analytics can be used to measure the journey of visitors refer to the web site. This involves the conversions and drivers in the contexts, for example, the landing pages that provide encouragement to people to buy. On-site we analytics measure the performance of eBays website in a context that is commercial. Typically this data is compared against indicators of key performances for performance analysis. In addition, it is used in improving a site on a web, or audience campaign response. In the history, web analytics have been used to refer to on-site visitor measurement. On the other hand, in the past recent years, this factor has been blurr ed, mainly because; vendors are ending up producing tools the both categories get spanned, (Srinivasan, 2001). Analysis Recommendations EBays Web Site Redevelopment, EBay Company needs to redevelop its web to brand, market and sell well in the market. As an effect, it is much imperative for eBay to redesign its web, to attract new leads and product sale. The company needs to use new software tiles as well as tools of programming for the enhancement of functionality and look web pages. It needs to incorporate AJAX programming technology, or in other words, the technology suits. This technology incredibly creates responsive web pages that tend to be dynamic. This in addition combines valuable tools of programming and languages for the formation of one mega-tool that enables smoother communication between end users and the servers of the web. This program in general will provide the following advantages; this will make eBay enjoy almost zero delay services between user interface and web servers, as it eliminate the need of page refreshing. In the process of minimizing communication between user interface and web server, it saves server bandwidth whi le enhancing server functioning. As an effect, it reduces the workload on the server. This takes them 1 month.( Mybestratedwebhosting, 2011) Though their acquisition programs have proved to be much successful, they still have a responsibility of creating a synergy will intend and diversify will detract the eBay from the core business, auction. Though, the management is maintaining that this format of hosting fixed-price by retailers who tend to be reliable, makes shopping to be friendlier to customers and much predictable. However, the fact remains that, this format is diluting eBays brand and reputation as a flea market that is dynamic. As a fact, other than economic problems, its stock has tanked down. This will lead to an increase in eBays site traffic. Since the Skype business is not working well, the company needs to resale it. The objective of Skype was for buyers and sellers to chart about their transactions; however, the expectation was never realized. This is because, though eBay spend about $2.5 billion, it only collect only apportion of that initial cost. Outsourcing of ICT Infrastructure and Services Delivery eBay company needs to maximize savings through ICT use. This will make service delivery much efficient and effective. Under the raising pressure from the budget, back office departments that support PayPal service is supposed to cut their expenses for the preservation of front office services. Simultaneously, they are needed to provide extra solutions and services that tend to assist in unlocking savings across the company. The delivery of efficient services will reduce the operating expenses, add value from rationalize investment, greater accessibility to knew experiences and skills, and lastly, increasing efficiency of IT department will enable IT staff more under similar time frame. As an effect, this will lead to a conflict that will lead to the problem of altering main priorities, gaps ability, and directly influences core service delivery. When solving such like conflict, the needs to outsource back office departments, Swanson. 2007. This recommendation will take them one year due to contract applications this takes an approximate of 6 weeks A part from providing security, the outsourced company will provide management of ICT infrastructures. This will help eBay firm built reliability, confidence and trust much quickly. This is because; eBay will concentrate on their core business their customers. As an effect of outsourcing, the outsourced company will provide flexible services that will tent to meet eBays needs. Having deep technical expertise, eBay will also be provided with high standards of quality services that are based on respect and mutual respect. IT Staffing Requirements The company needs to come up with it staffing requirements to that will tend to support their new initiatives and its global expansion and online delivery. This is because; the IT staffing requirements are in most cases dictated by the responsibility of IT within the company. It should never base on region, size of the industry, industry among other metrics that are similar. The two most significant parameters are the technological complexity of the company, and the IT department scope. The IT staffing requirements was to be based on what will lead to effective and efficient performances of the individual procedure. In the current world, IT staffing requirements varies depending on local practices; for instance, federal, state, and locals. Generally, the standards have just been generalized that; the staff should be enough in number with far much appropriate training and supervision. Both education and training levels might also vary, including registered IT engineers, licensed practical engineers, as well as unlicensed practical assistance personnel. Support services for eBay The firm needs to develop support services for eBay and its world wide expansion and online delivery. The company is supposed to develop parts compatibility gatherings. This improves significance and freeing up of items, on top of explaining in details. The eBay product service support consists of product API and product Metadata products that help in listing support parts compatibility. The product information has calls that return product information. It assists in identifying products that have been associated with compatibilities. This product API gets application compatibility for products, based on their specification; they also find products for the category that is specified, and lastly, gets all available details of compatible details for the products described. On the other hand, eBay needs to implement product Metadata for the return of specified categories. It collects all possible values for multiple property compatibility, among other functions, (Developer program. 2011 ). International legal and ethical issues The company needs to consider international legal and ethical issues. eBay needs to notify users of their partnership with law enforcers. It is on blotter of p

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Truth Will Set You Free Essay -- Literary Analysis

Many writers apply experiences and thoughts into their work and express them in such a way the reader can relate. Critics would agree Edgar Allan Poe left a unique mark as a short story writer. Author Ray Bradbury was quoted saying, â€Å"It doesn't matter what you do, so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that's like you after you take your hands away†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Bradbury). Fiction writing was simple until Poe begins to put his twist around the world. During the terrible times that Edgar Allan Poe experienced as a young man would ultimately alter the history of short stories, he was unique and an extraordinary writer therefore exemplifying the mark that he leave upon society in his short stories Hop-frog. In Poe’s early life, he goes through a devastating and tragic event as his mother dies and his biological father abandons him at the age of two leaving him as an orphan. Writer W.D. Johnson says, â€Å"Increased susceptibility to depression and anxiety is another result of the heightened stress levels associated with being an orphan. Typically, the younger the age of a child when orphaned and the longer he remains without a home, the more drastic the impact that his experiences as an orphan will have on his development† (Johnson). Poe’s adolescence seemed to be on a path destined for self-destruction following the Allan’s informal adoption of him at the age of two. Francis and John Allan, his foster parents, forced him to move away from his siblings in Boston to their home in Richmond, Virginia. From a young age, Poe lacked the stability of a fruitful environment for a boy to grow and mature into a man acceptable to society’s standards. Poe and his foster family moved to England in pursuit of... ... Mark. "Edgar Allan Poe." Edgar Allan Poe. Web. 07 May 2012. . "Edgar Allan Poe." Goodreads. Web. 07 May 2012. . Farlex. "Tuberculosis." The Free Dictionary. Farlex. Web. 07 May 2012. . "Poe's Life." Edgar Allan Poe Museum : Poe's Life, Legacy, and Works : Richmond, Virginia. Poe Museum, 1922. Web. 07 May 2012. . Soon, Willie and Steven Yaskell. "Year Without a Summer." Year Without a Summer. World Scientific Publishing Company, July 2001. Web. 07 May 2012. ."Year Without a Summer." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 June 2012. Web. 07 May 2012. .

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Censorship of David Wojnarowicz, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Francisco Goy

The Censorship of David Wojnarowicz, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Francisco Goya Censorship is usually considered â€Å"official† censorship because it is action taken by governmental institutions such as government committees, or universities, to limit the view of a specific artwork or a group of works by the public. However, these concrete official actions taken to limit public view of specific artwork are only the results of the abstract â€Å"censoring attitudes† of individuals or groups of individuals, encouraging the actions. Censoring attitudes can arise from feelings of race or gender discrimination, discrimination against the gay community, fear of taboos and controversially issues, and assumed moral or Christian authority. It is these attitudes that are the basis of censorship, not necessarily the artist’s intentions of their artwork, because each individual viewer of the artist’s specific piece will unconsciously project his/her own anxieties and fears into the artist’s artwork. What drives the individual to c ensor the artist’s work is the product of their attitudes being reflected in the subject matter of the artwork, and the result of censorship is keeping the artist’s work from being exposed or even from being created. A mutually supportive relationship between artists and society would be the ideal under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Our society would recognize and support an expanded role for artists. Free and diverse artistic expressions are vital for challenging people to rethink their assumptions and for educating people about past and present issues. We should oppose censorship in the arts, and encourage individual and social expression by artists. Only by supporting the voice... ... money, and of course the committee voted to pass the amendment. The result of the committee was the â€Å"Miller test† that labeled art as obscene when â€Å"the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value† (378). But according to whose values? If the jury’s values differ from that of the artist, who defiantly considers his work serious, the artist expression is limited. Another example was the criticism made by Dr. Judith Reisman who disagreed that Mapplethorpe’s photographs were art because they â€Å"failed to express human emotion† because of the sexual images(379). But this statement also requires the question, by whose values? Maybe they do not show human emotion to her because she believes only traditional â€Å"beautiful† things can invoke emotion, but they may invoke emotions in other viewers, which is the artist's purpose. Censorship of David Wojnarowicz, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Francisco Goy The Censorship of David Wojnarowicz, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Francisco Goya Censorship is usually considered â€Å"official† censorship because it is action taken by governmental institutions such as government committees, or universities, to limit the view of a specific artwork or a group of works by the public. However, these concrete official actions taken to limit public view of specific artwork are only the results of the abstract â€Å"censoring attitudes† of individuals or groups of individuals, encouraging the actions. Censoring attitudes can arise from feelings of race or gender discrimination, discrimination against the gay community, fear of taboos and controversially issues, and assumed moral or Christian authority. It is these attitudes that are the basis of censorship, not necessarily the artist’s intentions of their artwork, because each individual viewer of the artist’s specific piece will unconsciously project his/her own anxieties and fears into the artist’s artwork. What drives the individual to c ensor the artist’s work is the product of their attitudes being reflected in the subject matter of the artwork, and the result of censorship is keeping the artist’s work from being exposed or even from being created. A mutually supportive relationship between artists and society would be the ideal under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Our society would recognize and support an expanded role for artists. Free and diverse artistic expressions are vital for challenging people to rethink their assumptions and for educating people about past and present issues. We should oppose censorship in the arts, and encourage individual and social expression by artists. Only by supporting the voice... ... money, and of course the committee voted to pass the amendment. The result of the committee was the â€Å"Miller test† that labeled art as obscene when â€Å"the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value† (378). But according to whose values? If the jury’s values differ from that of the artist, who defiantly considers his work serious, the artist expression is limited. Another example was the criticism made by Dr. Judith Reisman who disagreed that Mapplethorpe’s photographs were art because they â€Å"failed to express human emotion† because of the sexual images(379). But this statement also requires the question, by whose values? Maybe they do not show human emotion to her because she believes only traditional â€Å"beautiful† things can invoke emotion, but they may invoke emotions in other viewers, which is the artist's purpose.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tragic Realization Through Trials in Works of William Styron Essay

Tragic Realization Through Trials in Works of William Styron      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The apocalyptic view maintains that life is a struggle between good and evil that can not be justified morally. Samuel Coale suggests that it is that ethical "quest, the search of values of [William Styron's] heroes amid the stark realities of pain and suffering" that plays into his novels (399). Nat Turner, in The Confessions of Nat Turner, revisits his insurrection and comes to terms with his relationship with God and his own role in the rebellion. The two main characters in Sophie's Choice, Stingo and Sophie, both go through separate trials and end with different conclusions concerning man's impact in life. In The Long March, Captain Mannix struggles with senseless death and his role in an opposing society. Each of these characters fights others but is also forced to confront the hell that his or her body houses.      Ã‚  Ã‚   The Confessions of Nat Turner is divided into two parts: the rush of evil and violence and the calm after the storm. The story of the insurrection is told in flashback as Nat analyzes his actions from his jail cell. Throughout the rebellion, Nat defends himself by saying that God has commanded him to rid the world of white people. However, as he continues through his meditation, he realizes that God may have not been there after all, prodding him along. His first revelation comes when he finds he cannot pray in jail. Though he attempts to do so, the words do not come and he does not feel God's presence. Only after he thinks over the entire ordeal can he begin to talk to God again.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Nat's motto throughout the insurrection originates from the Bible,   "The first shall be last and the last shall be first." Styron explain... ...6. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol. 60. New York: Gale, 1990, 399-403. Hoffman, Frederick J. "William Styron: The Metaphysical Hurt." The Art of Southern Fiction: A Study of Some Modern Novelists. 1967. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol. 15. Detroit, Michigan: Gale, 1980, 524-26. Kakutani, Michiko. "William Styron and His Life and Work." The New York Times Book Review. Dec 1982, 3,26. Rpt. in   Ã‚  Ã‚   Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol. 60. New York: Gale, 1990, 394-96. Pearce, Richard. "William Styron." American Writers. Ed. Leonard Unger.   New York: Scribner's, 1974.   Ã‚  Ã‚   "Sophie's Choice." Magill Book Reviews. 1979, n.pag. MAS. Styron, William. The Confessions of Nat Turner. New York: Random,1966. _____. The Long March. New York: Random, 1952. _____. Sophie's Choice. New York: Random, 1976.   

Is Prejudice and Discrimination a Myth or a Real Life Situation Essay

Prejudice is a cultural attitude that rests on negative stereotypes about individuals or groups because of their cultural, religious, racial, or ethnic background. Discrimination is the active denial of desired goals from a category of persons. A category can be based on sex, ethnicity, nationality, religion, language, or class. More recently, disadvantaged groups now also include those based on gender, age, and physical disabilities. Prejudice and discrimination are deeply imbedded at both the individual and societal levels. Attempts to eradicate prejudice and discrimination must thus deal with prevailing beliefs or ideologies, and social structure. Although there is no wide agreement as to the â€Å"cause† of prejudice and discrimination, there is a consensus that they constitute a learned behaviour. The internalization of prejudice starts with parents and, later, teachers–the groups primary in the formation of attitudes within children. The media and social institutions solidify prejudicial attitudes, giving them social legitimacy. In a sense, it is incorrect to speak of â€Å"eradicating† prejudice, since prejudice is learned. At best, one can reduce prejudice and discrimination. Society looks most often to education and legislation to alleviate prejudice and discrimination–for reasons still not clearly known, inter-group contact alone is not enough to reduce prejudice. On one hand, multicultural education, whether direct or indirect, constitute the mainstay of educational efforts to eliminate prejudice. On the other hand, the emphasis on civil rights, enlightened immigration policies, and mandates for quota hiring are the cornerstone of legal approaches to alleviating the effects of prejudice and discrimination. The most overlooked area in resolving the problems of prejudice and discrimination lies in the web of close relationships where genuine feelings of love can be fostered and strengthened. The private sphere may indeed be the last frontier where a solution to the problems of prejudice may have to be found.

Monday, September 16, 2019

How to Stop Worrying

General Outline Specific Purpose: To inform my audience on how to stop worrying and start living. Central Idea: We can stop worrying and start living by live in the moment, stop recycling the past, and stop trying to save the world. Main point 1: We can stop worrying and start living by live in the moment. Main point 2: We can stop worrying and start living by stop recycling the past. Main point 3: We can stop worrying and start living by stop trying to save the world.Introduction It is very easy to expend all of your energy worrying. I have learned that everyone worries to some extent it could be about something little like what you think you got on a test, or something big, like one of your family member is dying. One way to get out of the worry habit is to heighten your awareness of the present. Things are happening all around us every minute of the day. Why not focus on what is happening now by live in the moment.Outline of the Main Point Main point 1: We can stop worrying and st art living by live in the moment. 1. What is live in the moment? A. Live in the moment is all about living like there’s no tomorrow. 2. Several ways to live in the moment that can make us stop worrying and start living : A. Commit random, spontaneous acts of kindness – donate RM1 to a beggar, picking up a litter or complimenting someone. B.Minimize activities that dull your awareness of the moment – less use of phones and computer, instead go gardening, hiking and hanging out with friends. C. Smile when you wake up. References http://www. huffingtonpost. co. uk/2012/07/31/smiling-lowers-stress-health-benefits-laughing_n_1724400. html http://www. medicalnewstoday. com/articles/248433. php http://www. wikihow. com/Stop-Worrying-and-Start-Living www. positivelypresent. com/†¦ /15-ways-to-live-in-the-moment. html

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Punctuation Essay

Punctuation is one of the most important aspects of written English, yet it is one taken the most lightly. And it changes meaning, gives a pause to the reader,and changes the tone of the voice when speaking. In all of the essays authors surprised me.They showed me what punctuations actually is, whats te importance of punctuations. as for example â€Å"Don’t stop† and â€Å"Don’t, stop† do both of them are same? No, just a comma changed full meaning. This is how the essays impressed me. â€Å"The comma is a flashing yellow light that asks us only to slow down† this line has been taken from the essay â€Å"In Priase of the Humble Comma† paragraph no.2 line no.5, this is the line which gives all the description about Comma. Like this in every essays they described each punctuations in this way, which I was hoping to. This essays has changed my view of how to see puntuations. Before I didn’t cared that much about punctuations, but now I got a clear information about punctuations.And I came to know that to convey a correct message and write a good piece of English I must use punctuations. â€Å"The relationship with my father in Winnipeg has became more personal than it had been with the alternating saturday father-son telephone call.Because of its brief nature every single character is an enormous significance.† this lines has been taken from the essay â€Å"The Impotance of Email Punctuation: A Cautionary Tale† paragraph no.2 line no.9, this lines makes me understand that punctuations played a great role to make their son-father relation stronger which serves to an emotional investment. These essays made me felt ’emotionally invested’ because it can grow a stronger relation between two person which is really a important thing in this society and these essays made me understand impotance of punctuation too.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Curriculum

The curriculum is the goal, or outcome that is desired to be achieved through the instruction. For the instruction to be successful, there needs to be a linear set of standards, or objectives that need to be taught and be assessed to achieve the desired goal of the lesson. There are three main types of objectives that need to be addressed when designing a lesson: Program objective, learning objective, and performance objective. Before addressing these three concepts, there is a need to define the goal(s) of stated objectives. Goals Gagne' (1988) states, â€Å"Education goals are statements of the outcomes of education† (p. 41). The goal of instruction is to impart a knew skill, capability or concept in a measurable manner. Goals are the expected result of instruction. In the example assigned to this paper, the goal of the course is to teach instructors how to best utilize technology in the classroom with the use of laptops and iPads. Objectives Whereas goals are the destination of the instruction, objectives are the means of getting there. As stated previously, objectives are a set of standards that are to be met through instruction and assessment. Objectives and Goals 4 Program Objectives Program objectives define what content is to be used in the lesson, the time-line for instruction, and what tools and media will be used to achieve the instructional goal. In our example of iPad and laptop instruction, first the instructor needs to evaluate the class and determine what their skills with computers and iPads are. There may not be a need to cover some of the instruction or there may be a need for some skill building before the planned instruction can start. The instructor also needs to have a time frame, in which the class can reasonably follow, for the lesson progression. Whether it is measured in hours, days, or weeks, the learners need to know how much time they have to learn the skill before assessment is administered. The instructor also needs to have a plan on which operating systems, software and apps will be used in the instruction and instruct teachers how to integrate them into their lessons. In recent years, schools have gone more tech oriented and teachers need instruction on how to incorporate the devices into the learning process. In short, the program objectives are to teach instructors, in a timely fashion, how to: use laptops and iPads for designing lessons, incorporating technology into existing lessons, maintaining and updating devices, and familiarizing instructors with apps and programs so they can better utilize the technology. Learning Objectives Learning objectives come in many terms such as benchmark, standard, and performance indicator. Whichever term is used, the intended purpose of the learning objectives is to define what the student is expected to learn. According to (2018), â€Å"Learning objectives Objectives and Goals 5 should break down the task and focus on specific cognitive processes†. Learning objectives give structure to the program objectives through defining the specific skills and knowledge to be learned and how the lessons will be sequenced. Stating only that the instructors will learn to and understand how to use an iPad is not an example of a learning objective. Learning objectives are specific knowledge and skills that are targeted for learning. Examples for this would include: selecting and deploying the appropriate applications, managing the steady flow of updates, assigning and submitting assignments electronically, and how to diversify the lessons to accommodate students' learning needs. Sequencing would also be addressed by teaching the lessons in a proper order. It would not be effective to teach how to diversify and accommodate the applications before teaching which applications are appropriate for the lessons. Performance Objectives Performance objectives are exactly what it states: performing learned knowledge and skills through an action. Gagne argues that the â€Å"five-component objective† is the best approach for performance objectives. The five components he lists are: Situation, Learned Capability Verb, Object, Action Verb, and Tools, Constraints or Special Conditions. Situation â€Å"What is the stimulus situation faced by the student?† (Gagne, p. 123). The situation can be defined as the circumstances of the instructional objective. What is being offered? Under what Objectives and Goals 6 condition is the instruction or assessment is being administered? Using our example, the situation is â€Å"using an iPad† or â€Å"using a computer†. Learned Capability Verb (LCV) This component deals with how the situation is applied. Gagne states that there are nine standard verbs that are used: discriminate, identify, classify, demonstrate, generate, adopt, state, execute, and choose. Gagne (1988) states, â€Å"By including one of these verbs in the objective, the intended behavior is more clearly communicated, and the conditions of learning appropriate to that type of learning outcome are more readily applied† (p. 125). For our example, demonstrate, generate, chose, and execute would most likely be the actions used. Object The object is the actual learned item or behavior that the learner is applying with the LCV. It can also be described as the learning objective that the learner will demonstrate. Using our example, how to assign and submit assignments electronically using the laptop and iPad would be the object of the performance objective. Action Verb Gagne (1988) explains, â€Å"The action verb describes how the performance is to be completed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 125). There are many different action verbs that can be used depending on the task. Objectives and Goals 7 Hypothesizing, solving, and typing are considered action verbs. In our example, the learner so far has been instructed to demonstrate how to assign and submit an assignment. Applicable action verbs would be â€Å"upload† or â€Å"download†. Tools, Constraints, or Special Conditions This title is self-explaining. This section deals with the conditions, the limitations and the applicable media of the objective. In our example, iPads and laptops are the tools that are being used in this lesson. A constraint is the time frame that the teachers are limited to for the instruction. From personal experience, most of these types of training exercises and courses are limited to just a few hours, or at most, one day. Outcome The outcome of the five-point approach for our example is, â€Å"Using an iPad or Laptop, the teacher will demonstrate how to assign and submit a lesson electronically by uploading the assignment in the fewest steps possible†. Summary Properly defining goals is the first step to designing an instructional plan. Program objectives are a general outline of what it takes to reach that goal. The learning objectives are the specific skills and knowledge objectives that are used to meet the program objectives. Following the five-step performance objective model, learners should be able to easily understand what learning outcomes they are required to demonstrate at the end of instruction.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Gulf War from the American perspective Essay

The Gulf War from the American perspective - Essay Example In any case, once thing is clear; the publicly stated reasons of Iraq war were not digestible to many people. This paper analyses Gulf War from American perspectives. George Bush thought that Gulf War may help him to win the presidential election once again. He thought that this war might help him and his party (Republicans) to increase the popularity and hence he may get an easy walkover in the coming presidential election. However, Bill Clinton proved that such beliefs were wrong. â€Å"Clinton successfully made the economy the issue in the next election and managed to win it†1. â€Å"For years Saddam received US support while committing atrocities. His was not the only government committing atrocities. His atrocities were never publicly discussed until he invaded Kuwait†2. The invasion of Kuwait brought Saddam Hussein into the public lime light. It was difficult for America to justify Saddam further. It should be noted that democracy is prevailing in America and Amer ica believes themselves as the saviour of human rights. Under such circumstances, it was impossible for America to stay blind while Iraq was questioning the sovereignty of an independent country. Moreover, many Americans thought that Saddam is trying to become another Hitler. Increased influence of Saddam in the Middle East was not good for the American interests. â€Å"Saddam was repeatedly compared to Hitler. Then he was publicly defied and demeaned. The president said he has "had it" with "Sad'm" Hussein. Under U. S. leadership, the world was mobilized against him†3. America suspected the possibility of another world war unless they prevent Saddam from conquering neighbouring countries. It should be noted that the military power of other gulf countries were negligible in front of Iraq’s military power at that time. In short, many people believe that America attacked Iraq to save the world from the possibility of another world war. Another argument claims that Americ a attacked Iraq to control the oil resources. However, this argument seems to be far from reality since America’s oil imports from Iraq account only 5% of the total energy needs in America. There are plenty of other countries in this world which rely heavily on Iraqi oil resources for their energy needs. â€Å"So oil is not the whole answer. Other possible aspects of the answer include "a new world order," collective security, interdependence, prevention of regional hegemony, and reversal of American decline†4. Even though Iraqi oil does not cause much direct problems to America, it has the potential to cause indirect economic problems in America. If Saddam Hussein had raised oil prices to $27 a barrel, the increase in our import bill would have been about $20 billion a year, or less than one half of one percent of GNP. The greater harm comes when sudden rises depress the economy, but this effect is harder to estimate. Some economists believe that a temporary oil price of $40 a barrel, for example, helped to trigger the recession, which represented a loss of several percent of GNP5. â€Å"U.S. policy toward the Middle East is characterized by an intention to ultimately control the oil there, and keep other powers--not just the Soviet Union, but also Britain and France--away, if not dependent on the United States6. It is a fact that oil resources in America are rapidly exhausting even though the demand for oil increases. The oil needs or the energy

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Laboratory Scenarios Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Laboratory Scenarios - Essay Example According to the National Institute for Occupational safety and Health (2006), anyone entering or using the lab has to have detailed knowledge of the dangers and risks involved, and the risks presented by each of the reagents in the laboratory. This knowledge is important in helping the lab users to indentify potential risks and take the appropriate measures to prevent these risks from occurring. Below is a detailed analysis of three laboratory situations that clearly do not follow the safety procedures and that put lab users at great danger. In Scenario 2, there are deliberate safety procedures that were overlooked. The student was working in the lab late night. This means that the lab might not be well lit and since it was late night, the student might have been fatigued thus placing the bottle wrongly at the counter making it to shutter and spill the contents. The student had no safety clothing or lab protective gear, making the contents to spill on her clothing. The bottle was wrongly used for unintended purpose, since it originally contained chloroform and the label canceled out. In addition, the student was cleaning the floor with bare hands without the use of gloves, which is a great health risk. She was cut in the process, and decided to ignore the first aid criteria by only applying a simple bandage. Moreover, she found it not necessary to alert others and especially reporting to the lab supervisors concerning the case. One of the relevant authorities that are concerned with such cases is the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute that sets and writes guidelines and safety procedures to be followed in the laboratory, as would be suited to the case above (Merrick et al, 2006). The body designs and outlines documents that contain quality clinical practices that have to be followed in such chemistry labs. This lab seems not to comply with any of the lab practices and guidelines and as Hampton (2011)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Making Government Intervention Work for Leadership Research Paper

Making Government Intervention Work for Leadership - Research Paper Example Whereas, it not possible for the government to undertake various risks and investments alone, through leveraging excessive bureaucracy rule and other policies it helps the leaders to undertake and implement change initiatives, by taking technological advancement benefit, innovativeness and risk bearing capacity and adequate capital gaining ability., This will improvise the students and institutional outcomes, by increasing recognition so as to provide the best possible education to the learners. In the present education system, it has become a general trend for the local, state, and federal government to get involved in the higher education institutions that in turn has disrupted the process of implementing change policies. The education system is one of the crucial aspects for developing the economy of a country. The governments are responsible in order to ensure that the citizens are protected with the implementation of stringent education polices. In order to satisfy this role of the government, various responsible agencies are emphasizing the enactment of effective policies to protect the citizens. In the present scenario, the education system is funded mostly by the government and is virtually governed through governmental or by non-profit organization. Contextually, local, state and federal government have less emphasis over the operations of higher education. Nevertheless, when they interfere, a large impact is imposed in the education system for the overall effectiveness. Education is one of the most important aspects for overall development and this is the reason for which government is setting its main priority over it (American Council on Education, 2014). The paper intends to address the in volvement of local, state, and federal government in higher education institutions, which distract leaders from accomplishing their intended goals. Further the discussion will be made about how government

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Business Strategic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Strategic - Essay Example number of mergers and acquisitions over the years have seen AB InBev increase its production, market and distribution of about of its beer 200 brands that include the popular global brand Budweiser Beck’s. In addition to brands such as Stella Artois, Klinskoye, Bud Light, Leffe Hoegaarden, Skol, Jupiler, Brahma, Quilmes, Harbin, Sedrin, Michelob, Sibirskaya, Chernigivske and Korona (Reuters, 2014; Solitro, 2013). The company’s production and distribution is based on a division of its brands into global, multi-country and local beer in order to take advantage of different tastes of its customers based on geographical and regional presence. The beer brands produced by AB InBev has been further been categorized into premium brands, mainstream, and sub-premium brands to take care of the economic aspects of their customers (Reuters, 2014). This essay explores value chain analysis of AB InBev PLC that will provide a clear perspective on how the company achieves maximum process effectiveness. Therefore, this analysis will rely on key aspects of the value chain hypothesis introduced by Porter where the main activities under review will cover inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service, which are all essential components in the operations of a company in the beverage industry (Porter, 2008). The importance of this value chain analysis is to find out how AB InBev PLC creates its competitive advantage and shareholder value that can only be attained through measures that ensure the cost of providing their products remains low. This is in order to generate a profit margin in addition to identifying and making assessment of competency in core areas of the company (Woodside, 2009). Inbound Logistics for any company covers all the necessary activities that take place to ensure uninterrupted supply of the necessary inputs and raw materials the company needs for a smooth production process (Dagoon, 2005). To have a have control over

Monday, September 9, 2019

Compare the will theory and the interest theory of rights. Which is Essay

Compare the will theory and the interest theory of rights. Which is most plausible - Essay Example This paper undertakes a comparative analysis of the will theory and the interest theory of rights and considers which theory is more plausible. It is submitted at the outset that the tension between the legal protection of human rights, political constraints and the extent of individual protection highlights the conflict between legal enforcement of rights in practice and theoretical concepts of ethics based on the will theory (Donnelly, 2003, p.7). To this end, it is submitted that in context of the contemporary framework of international relations, the interest theory of rights would appear to most plausible. From a theoretical perspective, Kant was a leading proponent of the will theory and his theory of wills stems from Kant’s theory of enlightenment with the proposition that â€Å"enlightenment is man’s emergence from incurred immaturity† and that the concept of immaturity stems from self-infliction due to lack of courage (Kant, in Nisbet & Reiss, 1991). Thi s in turn correlates to Kant’s central theory pertaining to the underlying rationale of being human (Somerville, 2006). ... ale for being human suggests that it is the interrelationship between intellectual independence and morality that is central to concepts of democracy (Nisbet & Reiss, 1991). Kant’s theory is similar Aquinas’ proposition of what constitutes being human also emphasises the independent voluntary exercise of will (Ardley, 2007). However, in contrast to Kant, Aquinas’ theory was heavily intertwined with Catholic hierarchy and interpretations of existence (Ardley, 2007 p.3). Additionally, Ardley highlights that the central difference with Kant’s principle of humanity was that: â€Å"Aquinas represents the metaphysician of the philosophia perennis. Kant on the other hand, as we understand him, in his basic contentions gets to the heart of the characteristic non-metaphysical pre-occupation of the modern world which seem alien to the philosophia perennis† (Ardley, 2007 pp.3-4). It is further submitted that a fundamental basis in particular relating to Kantâ €™s enlightenment theory was the supreme moral principle of good will, which catalysed the deontological approach to ethics (Donnelly, 2003 ). For example, beyond the intellectual intelligence paradigm is Kant’s assumption of the supreme moral principle of good will (Deligiorgi, 2005). This suggests that humans are innately moral and is supported by contemporary deontologist Somerville who refers to the â€Å"secular sacred† concept of ethics, which is that there are basic human rights and values that are common to humans irrespective of religious or cultural beliefs (Somerville, 2006, p.xi). Moreover, Somerville goes further and argues that the crux of ethics with regard to human rights protection is whether it is â€Å"inherently wrong?†(Somerville, 2006p. xi). Furthermore, Somerville argues in considering human