Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Caterpillar Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Caterpillar Case Study - Essay Example The major problems that it faces are from the low-cost indigenous products which are aggressively marketing their products especially in places like China and Russia. Low priced locally manufactured products are the main competition that the company faces. The brand equity of its product makes it difficult to lower the prices of its core product line. The company is thus faced with several perspectives which may or may not jeopardize the market position of its popular and core products. To remain in the competition, it can either lower the cost of its main product line permanently or it can bring down the prices temporarily or it can introduce a new LEA (less expensive alternative) with a product that is different or locally manufactured or refurbished and sold under its brand umbrella with caterpillar standard service. The company faces the dilemma of whether the market status of its core product would be cannibalized in the price war or an alternate product line would help meet the competition in a more healthy manner while retaining its market position vis-Ã  -vis its core products. If the company permanently lowers the prices of its main product line, it faces a loss of credibility globally and eventually a huge profit margin which may prove disastrous for the company image and challenge its position as a global leader. Temporarily lowering the prices would have the same consequences as the previous ones. The company is thus left with the option of introducing a new low priced product line to meet the challenge of the local products. The third alternative needs to be investigated deeply because of several hidden problems like cost differentiation between its premium brand and LEA and between LEA and local product and how far down it can be lowered with relation to the local goods.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Telling the Truth About History Essay Example for Free

Telling the Truth About History Essay The struggle to find truth in telling the stories of history has been a source of constant debate amongst historians and intellectuals. With the emergence of religious rejection during the seventeenth and eighteenth century Enlightenment, the influence and undoubted supremacy of the heroic model of science provided historians with new ways for obtaining truth—absolute truths—through the dispassionate eyes of a â€Å"heroic† observer. Although this remains unchallenged for many generations, with the cultural changes and the democratization of education, the idea of an absolute truth—a universal story of national progress which neglects to encompass the diversity of America—is challenged by post-modernity. In all its pessimisms towards absolute truths and objective knowledge, post-modernism illustrates the importance of and sets the foundation for questioning historical accuracy and the idea of objectivity. Can there be truth when the words and language of the â€Å"objective† observer is unintentionally dripping in their own personal, social, and political agendas? Through the works of Foucault and Deerdas, who get at the heart of this very question, historians are encouraged to reject the Enlightenment project, and look deeper into historical evidence to interrogate the structure and organization of the text, its vocabulary, and hidden assumptions. Although, post-modernity—a critique of the Enlightenment ideals—creates the framework for the questioning of historical accuracy, it is very important to recognize its inability to formulate its own solutions to this historical dilemma. Fortunately, with the succeeding ideas of practical realists, there is a sense of hope and optimism for the future of history and the all-encompassing truths that it can uphold. How did post-modernity challenge the heroic model of science and enlightenment ideals? With the digression away from enlightenment ideals of objectivity, absolute truth, and progress, post-modernists set the tone for a new way of thinking—similar to the way Enlightenment philosophers challenged the absolutisms of the church. With the new social historians, the American story is challenged by the competing ethnic cultures that didn’t fit into the white-protestant American story, and penetrate below the surface to where the stories of women, slaves, and immigrants had been veiled for so long. The idealized American story – a fallacious story of unity and equality—had represented the founding fathers political, social, and religious agendas towards progress and modernity which produced justifications like â€Å"manifest destiny†. With this new idea of the influence of personal experiences and agendas, even Newton and Darwin are put on the stand, to find that even these so called â€Å"dispassionate† and completely â€Å"objective† observers had political, social, and religious agendas that greatly influenced their work. This opens the door for the post-modernists attack against the possibility of objective historical or scientific knowledge, reality, and in essence, truth. They deny our ability to represent objective knowledge in any true fashion because of the language barrier which serves, in a sense, as a funnel that reflects every personal, political, social, and religious agenda or experience. Post-modernists, like Foucalt and Deerdas, â€Å"made western man into a modern day Gulliver, tied down with ideological ropes and incapable of transcendence because he can never get beyond the veil of language to the reality ‘out there’†. (p. 208) With the conflict between the signifier and the signified, as expressed by Saussure, reality or truth can never be reached because in the process of representing an actual object- or the signified – there is a risk of distorting and obfuscating it (p. 214). Objects allow us to create stories—narratives— not necessarily accurate—about the object and its existence. These narratives are inescapable personal and rely upon the experiences and agendas of the individual creating it. Therefore, language is not a direct correspondence to reality. It represents differences, personal agendas, experiences, beliefs, and power relations and knowing this, according to post-modernists, eliminates the possibility of any kind of reality or truth for both science and history. The post-modern cynicism towards reality, truth and objective knowledge created a new way for writing history. The rejection of the old absolutisms created an opportunity for questioning and discourse of previously accepted historical knowledge. It created a space for the stories of marginalized groups who had until this time, been veiled by the universal, romanticized American story of progress toward modernity. A story of success and opportunity on the frontier was substituted by a story of struggle—of women’s rights, of slaves, and of the killings of Native Americans. Within the Enlightenment objectives for history there are limitations to the possibility of anything else but progress. When progress and modernity are the only ideals being stressed, there is little room to create a history beyond this. These ideals consumed the thoughts, beliefs, politics and social structures of man, and it was reflected in their work. History until this time was being tied down and restricted to the old absolutisms, to one universal story which supposedly encompassed all of nature. However, with social history and the door it opened for post-modernity, history could take on the task of telling a more encompassing story that could be discussed, criticized, and built upon. Although, post-modernists believe that there is no truth and that the possibility of reality is non-existent, they set the foundation for future historians to question the history books which they are learning from, to look deeper into the hidden agendas that are sometimes veiled, and to then write a history that, although cannot be completely objective and dispassionate, can embody some sort of truth and historicism for that time. This idea of taking a middle ground between the traditionalist philosophers of the Enlightenment and the pessimistic post-modernists is the main goal the authors of this book try to make. They recognize the need for questioning and interrogation but not to the extent that we end up a nihilistic view that there is no truth and nothing matters. The gap between past events, like records, and the way historians describe and interpret them is accepted by practical realists. This allows for the possibility of obtaining truth and a method for writing history. Some words, they explain, however socially constructed, reach out to the world and give a reasonably true description of its contents because of a relationship between the object and the observer (p. 250). With the practical realists emphasis on archival research, the use of our memories and curiosity, and discourse upon discourse the writing of history is now possible. However, without the post-modernists cynicism and interrogation of the Enlightenment project history may still be a discipline of absolutisms and â€Å"heroisms†.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Southwest case analysis Essay -- essays research papers

Southwest has made an organization out of providing low-fare, short haul routes between city pairs. It has concentrated specifically on offering low-fares on all of its flights by maintaining its no frills attitude and high frequency of flights. This has afforded Southwest Airlines with the lowest cost structure in the industry. Southwest has created a niche for itself by flying a network of flights between smaller U.S. cities that average just one hour apart. This has differentiated them from their competition and avoided many clashes with industry giants who concentrate more on coast-to-coast flights. Kelleher, who is the president, chairman and CEO of Southwest Airlines is the companies single biggest asset and driving force. Kelleher runs the company very tightly and makes all the major decisions through a very centralized decision making process. This brings to light two potential problems. Firstly, how can a company such as Southwest airlines maintain such a centralized organi zation in the face of growth. Secondly, how is this company going to survive once Kelleher is no longer running it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The problem that Southwest Airline is facing, is how are they going to survive in an aggressive industry without Kelleher’s leadership. It is a significant problem as the company is a symbol of Kelleher. However, unlike the company, Kelleher has a limited life-span and therefore the company will likely outlive him. This problem therefore requires some urgency as the succession of Kelleher could be the airlines biggest problem. The consequences of Kelleher leaving could be that the company loses its corporate identity. Employees may not respond well to new management. Customers may perceive that the company will not be run in the same manner and will therefore lose its niche market. This could also apply to stakeholders, who will see the departure of Kelleher as a serious decrease in the value of the company. Competitors may also try to take advantage of the company during this unstable period.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Kelleher is the face of Southwest airlines, even going as far as starring in most of their TV commercials. He also personally maintains an excellent relationship with a virtually all-union workforce. He has single handedly given Southwest the lowest employees turnover rate in the industry. Kelleher’s personal motiva... ...with the reality of the firm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The implementation of this decision will require a marketing campaign that will be used to phase out Kelleher. The major resistance will be from the employees who will be fearful of new management. This will be addressed by the management team reinforcing the corporate strategies to the employees and reiterating the fact that Southwest airlines will remain the same company and the employees should expect things to stay the same. The ramifications of this plan is that power within Southwest could become to decentralized, therefore changing the core competencies of the firm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order for this plan to work it would require: Assembling a team to head the marketing campaign, restructuring of upper management, and decentralize decision making. The objective is to redefine and restructure the upper management in such a way that the loss of Kelleher is manageable. This plans effectiveness will be measured by employee and customer satisfaction throughout the transition. The project will be concluded when the new structure has been phased in and the reaction to Kelleher’s departure is under control.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Psy 322 Week 1 Assignment Essay

How do people measure, or know or how goods will be accepted? Consumer psychology is how people relate to the goods and services they use in their daily lives. Consumer psychology studies people and by doing so provides what factors are important in the decision making of purchases and the value of services. By having this knowledge of consumer’s organizations, businesses and retailers improve their marketing. First of all there needs to be an understanding of why the consumer buys in the first place. Is it for a need or a want or is it to fulfill something? The buying process can be very basic or very complex and have many influences from external to internal reasoning. There are many things that factor in to understanding the entire process and the best way to understand them is through consumer psychology. Decisions to buy can be emotional. Emotions can lead a person to shop. Feelings are people’s primary way to make judgments and decision making. A woman can be upse t at her husband, need a break from the kids, or she could be happy and want to spend impulsively. A marketer only has a chance to contend with commercials and ads to penetrate the feelings of the consumer. Consumer personal behavior is influenced by many, family, culture, environment, competition and social attitudes. These are factors to be evaluated and how they are used for persuasion. Friends and family influence the clothes one wears. Culture and family are a persons or peoples area of up bring that can influences the way services are done and the way products are purchased. After taking a deeper look into the whole idea of consumer psychology there are lot of new approaches that are on the horizon that could possibly take effect. Image is a factor into today’s society whether we believe it or not. There is always the clichà © that â€Å"size doesn’t matter† but in all honesty people are always trying to find a way to become healthier. Well according to the New York Times grocery stores have thought of an idea to get people to have realization while walking the stores by putting mirrors in the shopping cart that will allow them to get a glance of themselves before consumers chose to put junk food in the cart. Marketers feel it might help them to reconsider groceries if they have to take a good at themselves before putting their items in the cart then maybe wiser decisions will be made. Another area that has changed psychological views of consumers is the economy. We have been in a recession for quite some time and have seen that people aren’t going out and buying as much. In an article known as â€Å"From buy, buy to bye-bye: The recession will have a lasting impact on the way people shop† there is much indication that in many different areas those sales have plummeted and continue to do so. The consumer psychological view is to save money and prices of any type of sales keep rising without any le-way for the consumer. If marketers do not learn make bargains for their consumers’ bucks then there will be a better chance for the economy to buy instead of saying bye-bye to buying. All in all, the consumer is looking for options that will help them in their lives to better themselves. Although sometimes the mechanism that marketers use to persuades the consumer to make choices that are more convenient and might not be as good for them. Consumer psychology is at a very vulnerable state in today’s society because everyone wants to be a part of something big or new that is how the market communicates with them. Therefore the understanding is that sometimes consumers have no hope in area of choice because the market is always there to persuade them to try new things. REFERENCES: MOSS, MICHAEL. Copyright 2013. Nudged to the Produce Aisle by a Look in the Mirror Retrieved from The Economist. Copyright 2009. From buy, buy to bye-bye: The recession will have a lasting impact on the way people shop. Retrieved from,

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analysis of Oroonoko Essay

Oroonoko is a man who symbolizes honor and love. The nameless narrator is also a believer of Oroonoko’s stand. The narrator on the first part of the story talked of the place of Surinam as a very beautiful place. Behn tries to attract the reader to continue reading the story by giving the details of the place with all its plants and animals. The culture of the people is also a part of the first stage of the story. Oroonoko is the story of the African Prince named Oroonoko and of his love Imoinda. They were captives of the British’ they were brought to Surinam as slaves. The story is set in South America. The narrator became a friend of the Prince Oroonoko anh his love, Imoinda. The narrator wrote the account as Oroonoko gave his story. The British colonists did not use the natives to work on the plantations. They look for slaves to work on these, so they got slaves from Africa. The narrator after giving an account of the place, Surinam, the next location of the story is Coramantien, now known as Ghana, found in the western coast of Africa. Coramantien is the place where the Prince Oroonoko will meet his wife, Imoinda. The king who is a hundred years old is the grandfather of Oroonoko. The hardship of Oroonoko starts when his love, Imoinda is also the attraction of the king. The king falls for Imoinda. Being the king he sends the royal veil to Imoinda, that the beautiful girl cannot refuse. The royal veil signifies she is now the wife of the king. Imoinda now stays in the Otan or the royal seraglio, a place where only the king can visit. Aboan, a friend of the Prince helps him to go into the otan. Aboan keeps Onahal one of the senior wives who teaches the new wives how to make love to the king and how to deal with everything with regard to the king. Oroonoko is caught but he flees. Although Imoinda is sold to slavery, the king tells Oroonoko that Imoinda is honorably put to death. Oroonoko sells slaves who are captives from war. The British trade for slaves in Coramantien. The Captain of the vessel invites Oroonoko and friends to be the guests, as they ride their vessel. Little did Oroonoko know that he was now a slave. When they learned they were slaves, Oroonoko and friends refused to eat, the Captain promises them freedom upon the vessel’s arrival in Surinam, but when they reach the place, Oroonoko is sold to Mr.  Terfry. He is a very well-mannered man and a very intelligent overseer of the Parham Plantation. It is in this moment that the narrator meets the prince. Mr. Terfry befriends Oroonoko. Both Mr. Terfry and the narrator assured to Oroonoko they will be set-free upon the arrival of the lord-governor Willoughby in Surinam. Oroonoko is never sent to work. He resides away from the rest of the slaves, because of his social status, his education and good looks were taken into consideration. One day as Mr. Terfry and Oroonoko are walking, Oroonoko sees the love of his life, Imoinda. Oroonoko holding on to his promise not to fall in love to any other woman except Imoinda felt so happy when they saw each other. They embrace each other, got married later and Imoinda now pregnant. Due to Imoinda’s pregnancy Oroonoko is bothered that his child will be born a slave. Despite of the promises of Mr. Terfry and the narrator that everything will be fine when the lord-governor arrives in Surinam. They diverted Oroonoko’s attention by letting hi go to fish, hunt and visit the other natives in the nearby villages. Together with the other natives Oroonoko stage a revolt on a Sunday as the white were drunk. The group of Oroonoko was easily traced as the group left a trail. Oroonoko’s group wanted to go back to Africa once they find a ship, but they planned to settle near the shore while they were looking for a ship. The narrator still gets an account of the event despite of fleeing. Byam, the deputy-governor talked to Oroonoko to surrender and promised him amnesty. The deputy-governor lied as Oroonoko was brutally-whipped when he surrenders. His wounds were powdered with pepper. Oroonoko now feels, he will never be a freeman together with his family. Oroonoko tells Imoinda of his plan to kill her and revenge against Byam and will kill himself. Imoinda thanks his husband of her honorable death. Oroonoko cuts the throat of Imoinda. Finally Imoinda dies. Oroonoko had no strength after the death of Imoinda. He was so depressed to stand and take revenge to Byam. The stench of the dead body of Imoinda brings Byam’s men to the site. Byam’s men now set out to kill him. Oroonoko stood his ground. He was killed standing stoically, smoking his pipe as the killers chopped him to death. The story tells of a very brave man, a man of valor despite of his color and race. Oroonoko is a man of dignity and honor. He never broke a promise especially with regards to his heart. Nowadays, a man like Oroonoko is hard to find. The writer wanted to impart to her readers that Oroonoko will be the symbol of a man of valor and honor. He stood his love till the last drop of his love. Every woman wants to have Oroonoko for her love. Oroonoko not only held on to his love but also stood for his people. The many readers of this story feel that the writer was a racist by heart, but for me she only used this as a facade to the story to make you feel pity for the oppressed. That the Africans despite of their race and color they still hold-on to their values. The story was made in the 17th century but up to this time you could still feel the oppression belonging to the lower class. Oroonoko wants us to be aware of our principles and values. We as good citizens of our countries should not be corrupted by anybody. Oroonoko had been betrayed so many times almost by all the characters but still he held on. He was also betrayed by Imoinda when she chose the old king instead of Oroonoko. Oroonoko was called Caesar by the whites, maybe because of his gallant stand during war. Although he was treated not a free man they still called him Caesar. He was called Caesar but was not free to do what he wanted. Despite off all the misdeeds of the whites, Oroonoko still respected the colonists and he also respected the slaves. Due to his greatness in battle, the whites were also scared when Oroonoko staged a revolt together with the other natives. Oroonoko is disappointed that there is no justice and honor for slaves in the west. The writer described Oroonoko’s group as very noble. They were slaves but the narrator did not do anything to help them. During the event of the escape of Oroonoko and the natives the narrator also fled. The narrator left them behind. This could have been the best time to help them. Also Byam promised amnesty but Oroonoko was tortured upon his surrender. The narrator coul have negotiated for Oroonoko and the slaves. The narrator used â€Å"we† to be a member of the slaves but she was not able to do anything to help them. She fled in time when Oroonoko and the natives tried to escape from captivity. The writer wanted to let the readers give value to the qualities that Oroonoko had. This time many do not give value to honor, love and promises. They keep a vow now soon to be forgotten. Despite of the racial discrimination, Oroonoko did not give in to what the colonists wanted, he stood his ground bravely. Especially for his love Imoinda. Imoinda was wife to the king still Oroonoko married her and loved her till death. If Oroonoko could only be alive now, he would still be so in love with Imoinda. Oroonoko would be the man of his generation and even still be the man of this generation. References

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Write an Awesome Professional Bio That Stands Out (Template)

How to Write an Awesome Professional Bio That Stands Out (Template) As a marketer, you’ll likely need to write a professional bio at some point. Whether writing one for yourself, a client, or coworkers listed on your company’s â€Å"about us† page, it’s a common piece of content you might be asked to create. They appear everywhere, from social media profiles, to blog post author boxes, to personal and business websites. Too often though, they’re treated like an afterthought, which is unfortunate. After all, what’s the first thing you read when you come across an interesting blog post, a new company, or social media account? A bio is a natural place to start. So, what happens if what you find sounds boring or generic? You’ll think that person is boring and generic too, and that isn’t the kind of impression any serious marketer should want to make. Fortunately, business doesn’t have to be boring, and neither does anyone’s professional summary. In this post, you’ll find: Tons of examples illustrating what makes effective bios so good. A simple process to make writing one, either for yourself or a client, easy. Free templates to wrap up the whole project in a flash. Sure, you could settle for boring and generic. But, you’re better than that. So, keep reading and learn how to do the job right. What is ? is an industry-leading marketing management calendar platform that helps teams keep everything organized, all in one place. See how it works or start your free trial now. Download Your Free Professional Bio Templates Best of all, you don’t have to write one from scratch. Instead, download these free templates and you’ll be able to fill in the blanks to write one well. There are options here for the following: Websites Blog authorship boxes Twitter profiles Snag ‘em now and continue with the rest of this post. In general, they’re a description or summary of someone’s professional background, educational history, skill set, and/or achievements. In some cases, such as a Twitter bio, they might be short, or in others they could be a few paragraphs (such as on an about page on a blog or website). What Makes Them So Important? People come across so many different pieces of information on the web that it’s tough to keep everything straight. It’s impossible to remember every interesting thing you come across, let alone filter through the overwhelming amount of junk you see that isn’t interesting at all. So, make your first impression something that sticks. If a social media user sees a stray post that catches their attention, they’ll want to see if it came from someone who looks and sounds trustworthy. The same goes for a blog post they might read, or a new company they’re scoping out for a potentially lucrative partnership. Whatever the case may be, a strong bio is an opportunity to leave a lasting impression. If it’s written well, people might be more influenced to consider you an authority, someone to remember to reach out to, or eventually, even make a purchase from. When Would You Need to Write a Bio? There are lots of different situations where you might need to provide a bio. Here are a few: You work at a marketing or PR agency, and a client needs one to make an executive sound brilliant. It’s time to hunt for a new job, and your Twitter and LinkedIn profiles need some freshening up. The company’s website is getting a redesign, and each employee’s profile page needs a bio to go with it (and you get to/have to write it). Those are common scenarios everyone encounters sooner or later. Since they seem so easy to write, they can quickly become a trap though, something that doesn’t get done until the last minute (and things that get done at the last minute, tend to get done poorly). Recommended Reading: How to Easily Plan Copy for an Entire Website the Best Way Where Might Your Bio Appear? Plus, there are all kinds of places where it’s useful to have a crisp, clean, and creative description of yourself (or client or coworkers). Take a look at this list: Your company’s website or blog. Guest blogs (if you write on another company or writer’s blog). Any personal websites, blogs, or portfolio pages you might have. On your social media accounts. Within press releases about your company (say, if an executive plays a key part in a major achievement). Certainly, you can probably think of even more, too. But, if you have one that’s well-written, it can easily be repurposed and repackaged to fit wherever it’s needed. And that leads into the next point in this post. How Long Should a Bio Be? There’s no one-size-fit-all answer here. Social media accounts often have obvious restrictions on character counts that limit length. If you’re writing one to appear in a press release boiler plate or a blog bio box, a paragraph is generally sufficient. But, if you’re writing one for a website page, you might be able to run as short, or as long, as you’d like. In fact, there are arguments to be made for keeping things concise or going more in-depth. Recommended Reading: How Long Should a Blog Post Be to Get the Most Shares and Traffic? Why Consider Writing a Short Professional Bio People have short attention spans. According to the Nielsen Norman Group (via Crazy Egg), you have 59 seconds to hook a website viewer’s attention before they’ll leave. And they’re going to see a lot of things before they even get to your bio (headlines, homepage copy, and product pages are all possible places they’ll visit first). If hooking someone’s attention is hard, keeping it might be even more difficult, and arguably, no one wants to spend too much time getting to know you if they don’t have to. So, why not just get to the point? Take a look at this example from Influence and CO. founder John Hall: It’s just a couple concise paragraphs, plus a line for his email address. Note the smart inclusion of a Twitter follow button, too. This works because: It gets to the point. But, it doesn’t sacrifice substance for short length. It just excludes anything extraneous. The inclusion of links to other places to find him are smart. Writing a professional bio? Here's why you might want to keep it short.Why Consider Writing a Long Professional Bio But, what if you’re writing a description of a seasoned professional with tons of experience? How do you condense everything important to know about them into a short amount of space? That can be tough. And if people are likely to want to know all about the person’s story, it might make more sense to go long (spanning a few paragraphs, or even a whole page or more). Here’s another example from Darren Rowse, the founder of ProBlogger: While this bio is still fairly compact, it spans multiple paragraphs, and even includes a video. Then, it extends a bit further to include more information about Darren and his business: This works because: It puts the most important information first. While it goes into detail, it’s still tightly written. All additional information included is relevant and useful.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Unlock your ideas and write that document

Unlock your ideas and write that document The best way to unlock the information in your head So, you’ve got something you need to write. It might be a report you’ve had to do mountains of research on, until the facts and ideas are crowded and jostling against each other in your head. Or maybe it’s a document for which you have all the necessary facts in your mind already. Either way, now you need a way to get all that knowledge out of your head and onto the paper before you can go any further. But what’s the best way to do this? How can you easily unlock all the information you need? Enter, the mind map. Now, you may have tried using mind maps in the past and felt they didnt really work for you. But dont dismiss them just yet. In this video, Rob reveals how you can use them in different way: to tap into all the knowledge you already have (and realise the gaps in what you know that youll have to fill). Watch the video to see us demonstrate how to quickly put this simple but powerful tool to work, and hear Rob explain: the limitations of lists for planning a document, and a better way [0:27] why even using the better technique is not ideal [2:01] the tool you need to use instead of any kind of list [2:16] the important approach you need to take in setting up your mind map (and what you must avoid doing) [2:51] how you can use mind maps as part of your research process and to get past blocks [05:43]. This post is taken from a lesson in our online-training programme Emphasis 360, which improves your writing in practical, bite-sized weekly lessons. You can find out more about Emphasis 360 and preview more lessons for free here. Image credit: retrorocket / Shutterstock

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Catch up on Your College Classes

How to Catch up on Your College Classes No matter where you go to college, youll inevitably face a semester (or two) where the workload moves from feeling overwhelming to actually being overwhelming. All of the reading, writing, lab time, papers, and exams- especially when combined with all you have to do for your other classes- becomes too much. Whether you fall behind because you mismanaged your time or because theres no possible way a reasonable person could manage all you were expected to do, one thing is clear: youre behind. What exactly are your options now? Assess the Damage Go through all of your classes- even if you think youre behind in only one or two- and make a quick list of things youve done (example: finished the reading through week three) as well as things you havent (example: started the research paper due next week). Remember, this isnt necessarily a list of what youll need to do next; its just a way to organize what material and assignments youve done and what youve missed. Look Down the Road You dont want to sabotage your own chances at catching up by inadvertently falling further behind. Look at your syllabi for each class for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Which major projects are coming down the pipe? What midterms, exams, or other big assignments do you need to plan for? Are there weeks with bigger reading loads than others, or less? Get a Master Calendar Going If you want to do well in college, youll need a time management system. Theres simply no way around that basic fact. And if youre behind in your classes, youll need some kind of large, master calendar you can use to coordinate your catch-up efforts. So whether its something online, something you print out, or something like a Google calendar, youll need to get something started ASAP. Prioritize Make separate lists for all of your classes–even the ones you arent behind on- about what youll need to do from here. First, look at all that you need to do to catch up (as suggested above). Second, look at all that you need to do in the next four to six weeks (also suggested previously). Pick the top two to three things you absolutely must do for each class. This likely means that all of the work you need to do wont get done, but thats okay: part of being in college is learning how to prioritize when necessary.   Make an Action Plan Take that master calendar you made, grab the list of priorities you created, and introduce them to one another. If, for example, you need to first outline chapters one to six so that you can then write your research paper next week, simply break it down. Which chapter will you do on what day? What is your goal date to complete it? When will you outline your paper, and when will you write it? When will you revise it? Telling yourself that you have to read all of the material before your paper is due is both too nebulous and completely overwhelming. However, telling yourself that you have an action plan and all you need to do is outline chapter 1 today makes it all manageable. When you have a solid plan to get back on track to meet your deadlines, youll be a lot less stressed. Stick With It Youre still behind, after all, which means you have a lot of work to do to make sure you pass your classes. It isnt easy to catch up, but you can do it- if you stick with it. It took more than one day for you to fall behind, which means it will take more than one day to catch up. Stick with your plan and adjust as necessary. As long as you keep your goals in view, remain on track with your calendar, and reward yourself along the way, you should be just fine.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Kathrin & Becky Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Kathrin & Becky - Research Paper Example In simple terms, they were the custodians of the man’s ‘creation’ and hence the name ‘house wives’ was coined. However, it reached a point where the women in our society could take it no more. The oppressions and inferiority complex had gone overboard and they united and decided to demand for their rights. This marked a new dawn – a dawn where the inferior lot was informed of their rights. The demand for a just and fair world has been imminent with attention drawn from street debates to national discussions. They all have a similar ending; the world is never fair to the oppressed and minority groups and that the law is made for these people. Surprisingly, the legislators who push for these laws find themselves in situations and positions where they are breaking them. Feminists rely entirely on the law for existence. They believe that the law is meant to protect them. However, this is not the case. Governments have been in the limelight for failing to protect these groups of people. Women are an interesting lot. They love associating themselves with an icon with whom they follow her lifestyle and when Marilyn Monroe, a feminine figure killed herself out of an overdose in 1963, there was an outrage from the feminine society. There was no turning back and an exaggerated femininity was being held up and revered as an ideal for all women. Racism and sexual harassment were thriving and black women were mostly the victims where they were referred to as ‘chocolate bunnies’. However, in a quick rejoinder, Gloria Steinem, a freelance Journalist who was working on an undercover mission highlighted the plight of black women who were on the brink of segregation from the rest. She described that all women were treated as bunnies. This attracted the attention of all women who responded to the urgency to rescue the black woman from the racial stereotype. A look back at history reveals that women have achieved huge milestones that are

Quality Management at Toyota Motor Co Term Paper

Quality Management at Toyota Motor Co - Term Paper Example Most of the organisations use the standard based on ISO 9000. There is certain quality control models developed for automobile industry in various countries namely VDA for Germany, AVSQ for Italy and QS-9000 for US automobile industry among others. Since 1951, Japan offers Deming-Award for Quality Management (FinePrint, n.d.). Quality Management Based On ISO 9000 Source: (Comite euro-international du beton, 1998). 1. Brief Historical Background Toyota Motor Company is a renowned name in the automobile industry of the present world. Toyota manufactures vehicles as well as automobile-related products, such as engines, car air-conditioning compressors and car electronics components. Toyota achieved its success by applying its innovative idea of ‘lean marketing’. The aim of lean marketing is to offer additional values to the end customers (Morrison, 2011). Toyota established Toyota Motors Pvt. Ltd. in the year 1937 in Japan. In the year of 1938, production began in Honsha Pl ant. From 1959, with the initiation of Motamachi plant, the company started focusing on its quality performance that rewarded it Deming Application Prize in the year of 1965. Led by certain mergers and acquisitions, the company always focuses on the quality and comfort of its customers. Toyota Motor Company has diversified its business over the years throughout the world. In 2002, it entered into the domain of Formula One World Championship. It has taken several initiatives with respect to the quality control issues as well as for the environment. It has implemented advanced technology to manage the quality. The company has taken initiative for utilising hydrogen as alternative fuel, providing plug-in vehicles among others. The philosophy of the company is to serve customers at prompt and to satisfy the customers with enhanced quality. Toyota has its own experts to check the quality of the vehicles in various situations in order to ensure the customer safety. Toyota has put emphasis on ‘traffic safety education’ since the 1960s and never intends to compromise on the quality of vehicle. Toyota recommends safety driving lecture sessions in support of drivers as well as ‘traffic safety education’ activities designed for teenagers (, 2007). Toyota fulfils its corporate social responsibilities (CSR) by offering safe and reliable vehicles to its customer. The automobile industry is facing newer challenges day-by-day. There are certain factors for which companies face newer challenges that can create higher demand like globalisation and increasing competition along with others. In addition, there are safety requirements and environmental commitments which have a major influence of Toyota’s operations. In the present context, customers are not satisfied with standardised vehicles; they want their personal requirements to be incorporated by the company in the vehicles that they want to purchase. Thus, Toyota has to take into consideration the needs of customers in commensurate with the quality standards of the vehicle and has to ensure that quality standards do not deter due to the added features. Toyota’s fundamental philosophy depends on five values that assemble its employees towards corporate course of action with the intention to support further development, are indicated in given figure.

Friday, October 18, 2019

UKs Policy on Training and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

UKs Policy on Training and Development - Essay Example This is a very important feature of the UK government policy on training on development. UK â€Å"will progressively introduce a new loan facility , which will remove grant funding from the 2013/14 academic year, providing the capacity to sustain learner participation with government-backed fee loans for individuals aged 24 or over studying at qualifications at level 3 and above† (BIS 2010a, p. 4). BIS (2010a, p. 4) elaborated â€Å"there will be no up-front costs and the repayments made on an income-contingent basis.† In addition, â€Å"the government has made available  £129m in 2013-14 and  £398m in 2014-15 for these fee loans† (BIS 2010a, p. 4). The BIS claims, however, that while public investment will be reduced, the UK government will â€Å"free the sector from top-down targets and direction to enable a truly demand-led system to develop† (2010a, p. 4). Government will seek â€Å"greater contributions from individuals and employers who benefit most and can afford to pay† (BIS 2010a, p. 4). For 2011-12, â€Å"the total Teaching and Learning budget will be  £3.1bn, of which  £605m will be earmarked for adult apprenticeships† (BIS 2010a, p. 4). However, spending on adult apprenticeships and, relative to the previous government, â€Å"will increase by up to  £250m by the end of the SR period† (BIS 2010a, p. 4). Informal adult and community learning will be retained although they will be â€Å"reformed† (BIS 2010a, p. 4). There will also be â€Å"progression routes for those looking for a way into formal learning† (BIS 2010a, p. 4). Importantly, â€Å"there will also be help for those who are unemployed on active benefits† (BIS 2010a, p. 5). ... 4). There will also be â€Å"progression routes for those looking for a way into formal learning† (BIS 2010a, p. 4). Importantly, â€Å"there will also be help for those who are unemployed on active benefits† (BIS 2010a, p. 5). The UK government policy on training and development comes with â€Å"fundamental policy changes† (BIS 2010a, p. 5). The â€Å"Train to Gain† will be abolished (BIS 2010a, p. 5). â€Å"Funding for workplace training on SMEs will be prioritized† (BIS 2010a, p. 5). Government will more conduct consultations for other changes (BIS 2010a, p. 5). BIS (2010a, p. 5) pointed out that government will reduce bureaucracy by training providers and simplify the further education and skills landscape by abolishing central targets. For example, the BIS (2010b) document localized targets and programs for England based on BIS (2010a). The BIS (2010a, p. 5) said â€Å"colleges and training organisations will be more publicly accountable to le arners, employers, and their communities.† This portion of the UK government program â€Å"will be supported by the introduction of lifelong learning accounts and by the new All Age Careers Service.† As per the claim of the BIS, the UK government training and development policy is founded on three principles (BIS 2010a, p. 1): fairness, shared responsibility, and greater freedom. According to BIS (2010, p. 1), the first principle justifies the â€Å"special attention to young people and those with basic literacy and numeracy skills.† In the second principle, citizens will be called upon to â€Å"take greater responsibility for ensuring their own skills are met† (BIS 2010a, p. 1). Lastly, the principle of â€Å"greater freedom† means â€Å"trusting people to do their job† and the â€Å"primary

JP Morgan chase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

JP Morgan chase - Essay Example fically concerned with safeguarding against fraud, maintaining fair dealing, and encouraging the revealing of significant market associated information. These agencies also prohibit the buying of stock shares with limited finances to pay for them (Seligman, 2003). In addition, the administrative agencies instigate supervision and registration of stockbrokers and securities markets, prohibits unfair utilization of private information in stock sales, and establishes regulations against proxies. In addition, the administration agencies require that organizations providing securities make complete public revelation of all appropriate information. For instance, the commissioners and chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Commission are charged with the responsibility for making sure that investment corporations, dealers or brokers in securities, publicly owned companies, and other parties in the securities and banking sectors conform to federal securities law. These laws are meant to assist the public investors make knowledgeable investment decisions and analysis by guaranteeing proper revelation of material details. In addition, an administrative agency, for example, the Securities and Exchange Commission is solely interested with ensuring that the prospectus documents and registration statement have the details indispensable for probable investors to make adequate decisions. These agencies also have the power to instigate legal sentences against banks or companies if th e materials have outright falsehoods, solemn omissions, or misleading information (Capatides, 1992). An offer may be written or oral as long as the law does not need it to be written. An offer is the recognized overt act or expression which initiates the contract. A contract is compelled to have a proposal by one of the participants and should be accepted by another. It is what is offered to a different person for the give back of that individual’s assurance to act (Barnett,  2003). The offer

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Mission and Vision Statements and the Companys Strategic Direction Research Paper

Mission and Vision Statements and the Companys Strategic Direction - Research Paper Example However, it has developed and adopted a unique system known as â€Å"The HP Way†. This is a unique ideology or philosophy that refers to the way things are done at HP (Lacy & Mullins, 2002). Therefore, although the company lacks clear mission and vision statements, the elements of these are captured in the company’s shared values and corporate objectives. These are stated below. Although HP lacks specific mission and vision statements, the shared values and corporate objectives have some of the key elements of effective mission and vision statements. To evaluate HP’s mission and vision statements as captured in â€Å"The HP Way†, an evaluation matrix will be important. The evaluation matrix below (Table 1) comprises of three columns. The first column contains the salient elements of the mission statement based on Zainbooks website. According to the website, mission statements should contain at least nine elements including; One of HP’s corporate objectives is customer loyalty, which shows the company’s commitment to providing value and highest quality to win customer loyalty and respect. However, the objective does not specify the company’s customers. The growth element is clearly stated in HP’s corporate objectives. One of the company’s corporate objectives is growth, which explains the company’s nature of identifying and seizing growth opportunities. Through its market leadership corporate objective, HP is committed to becoming the market leader through its competitive advantages in developing and delivering innovative and useful solutions, products, and services. The strategic direction is an important element in ensuring the success of a company. A company without a strategic direction is like a plane without a pilot that moves haphazardly. Such a business, like the plane, is likely to collapse. HP has had a clear strategic direction over the years since its formation. The growth and success of the company is proof of this.

You need to choose 2 questions and answer it and each question should Essay

You need to choose 2 questions and answer it and each question should have 2 pages answer - Essay Example This represents a difficult position for the change leader in the fact that the shareholders that they will be integrating with will likely to view an understand the way that the company or firm should proceed in a much different way than the new change leader. Although a difference in perspective is not necessarily a bad thing, it will doubtless be difficult for a new change leader if he/she is faced with a situation in which seniority within the firm becomes a central issue. This of represents a situation in which the â€Å"momentum of the organization† is aligned against that of the change leader. Although this is not an impossible situation to engage with, it puts the change leader in a distinct disadvantage. As a means of drawing such a situation to his/her ultimate benefit, the change leader must first seek to integrate a further and more complete understanding and appreciation for the way in which the firm has operated for the past several years. This is of vital due to the fact that many change leaders are tempted to merely dismiss the way in which shareholders have become accustomed to performing certain tasks out of rather egoistic motives. Whereas the change leader is oftentimes tempted to approach a given situation with the understanding that the old ways are inherently flawed, this is ultimately something that must be guarded against. Though it is oftentimes the case that the old ways are inade34quate for leading with certain eventualities, they are not always all bad and require a thorough review from the change leader prior to outright deciding which particular approach is best for furthering the goals and ends of the given organization. As a function of this level of understanding, one of the primary activities that the change leader should engage upon is a thorough and complete review of all of the ways in which business has been previously conducted. Rather than coming into an organization and demanding that all former culture must be d one away with in order to usher in an era of new dynamics, the change leader should be mindful of whether these former cultures contribute to or take away from the unique motives and activities which he/she wish to promote. All too often the change leader is so focused uon instituting his/her own level of procedures and organization that they lose sight of the fact that some of the prior organizational structure can actually work to achieve a degree of synergy with their own designs. As such, seeking to utilize these means rather than forcibly demanding that the participants outright deny the past means which they both are comfortable with and have grown accustomed to can oftentimes lead to a greater degree of net benefit than demanding otherwise. Question 2) The first issue that must be engaged with regards to question 2 is an appreciation and heartfelt discussion with the employee. As Pat believes that his grievance is of merit, it is incumbent upon the change leader to take his c harge seriously as well as integrate his concern into the change process and consider its overall merit. Regardless of whether or not Pat’s particular point of view is useful in furthering the goals of management, the fact that such a central shareholder in the process believes that the project itself is starting off on the wrong foot and going in the wrong direction is worthy of consideration by the change leader. Likewise, as his point of view represents the fact that the team is in conflict it is the responsibility of the manager to seek to identify with and understand his unique concerns before proceeding on with a particular point of view. Although it is impossible to include each and every point of view

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Mission and Vision Statements and the Companys Strategic Direction Research Paper

Mission and Vision Statements and the Companys Strategic Direction - Research Paper Example However, it has developed and adopted a unique system known as â€Å"The HP Way†. This is a unique ideology or philosophy that refers to the way things are done at HP (Lacy & Mullins, 2002). Therefore, although the company lacks clear mission and vision statements, the elements of these are captured in the company’s shared values and corporate objectives. These are stated below. Although HP lacks specific mission and vision statements, the shared values and corporate objectives have some of the key elements of effective mission and vision statements. To evaluate HP’s mission and vision statements as captured in â€Å"The HP Way†, an evaluation matrix will be important. The evaluation matrix below (Table 1) comprises of three columns. The first column contains the salient elements of the mission statement based on Zainbooks website. According to the website, mission statements should contain at least nine elements including; One of HP’s corporate objectives is customer loyalty, which shows the company’s commitment to providing value and highest quality to win customer loyalty and respect. However, the objective does not specify the company’s customers. The growth element is clearly stated in HP’s corporate objectives. One of the company’s corporate objectives is growth, which explains the company’s nature of identifying and seizing growth opportunities. Through its market leadership corporate objective, HP is committed to becoming the market leader through its competitive advantages in developing and delivering innovative and useful solutions, products, and services. The strategic direction is an important element in ensuring the success of a company. A company without a strategic direction is like a plane without a pilot that moves haphazardly. Such a business, like the plane, is likely to collapse. HP has had a clear strategic direction over the years since its formation. The growth and success of the company is proof of this.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Human Systems Coordination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Systems Coordination - Essay Example The spinal cord and brain are the central part of the nervous system, and they work receiving and interpreting the signals that the peripheral system sends to them, via the nervous cell called neuron. The following are some of the attributes of each of them: The spinal cord is a thin tubular collection of nerves protected by the vertebral column, and it runs as an extension of the CNS from the medulla oblongata in the brain to the fibrous extension known as the filum terminale, prolonged downward from the apex of the conus medullaris (Fillum terminale, online web 2006). It consists of thirty-one pair of nerves covered by three connective tissues called the meninges. It carries information via electric impulses from the arms, legs and the rest of the body, as well as from the brain to the body (Definition of spinal cord, online web; Spinal cord, from wikipedia). It contains one hundred billion nerve cells, it is considered the most complex organ of the body and it is the centerpiece of the CNS. It is organized in three interconnected layers: the central core, limbic system and the cerebral cortex. Basic life processes such as breathing, pulse, arousal, movement, balance, sleep, and the early stage of processing sensory information are fine-tune through the central core. The limbic system regulates body temperature, blood pressure and blood sugar level, as well as motivated behaviors, emotional states (as anger) and memory processes related with emotional feelings. The cerebral cortex determines intelligence, personality, touch sensation, assists in motor function, initiation of voluntary movement, auditory and visual information, comprehension of spoken language, and cognitive activities, as well as emotional function (Cardoso, 1997; Phillips, 2006; The human brain, online web 2001). Neuron According to their functions, neurons can be classified in three groups: sensory neuron, motor neuron and interneuron. Sensory neurons are the ones that receive information from the outside (e.g. Light), motor neurons pass on messages to the muscles, and the interneuron which receives and sends the messages from and to other neurons (Palmer, 2003). The parts of a neuron are the soma, dendrites and axons. The soma contains mitochondria and all the necessary elements for the cell to survive. The dendrites receive the information from other neurons or stimulus as heat, and the axons are the ones that send these signals away from the soma. The axons can be very long, and they are insulated with a membrane of myelin sheath along them. This semi-permeable membrane selectively limits the passage of charged particles, and when the cell is excited an explosive way of depolarizing current moves along the axon and out into the pre-synaptic terminals. If myelin sheath is stripped off, a process of demyelization occurs and multiple sclerosis can be present (Axon, online web 2001; Palmer, 2003). Neurons send messages electrochemically, and if the stimulus is strong enough and the myelin sheath is active along the axon, a rapid and quick change in electrical activity passes along to other neurons, muscles or other body organs, creating a nerve impulse (see illustration 1) (Nerve impulse, 2007). However, many

Monday, October 14, 2019

St. Augustines Confessions Essay Example for Free

St. Augustines Confessions Essay There was nothing in Augustines Confessions that will help reveal his background especially concerning his socio-economic status. One has to consult other sources for that. But knowing fully well that education in ancient times is prized by the rich and the elite it is easy to deduce from the well written Latin masterpiece that indeed Augustine belong to the creme de la creme of society. This is a significant insight because not only is Augustine part of the highly educated and well-to-do crowd he also is a man who longs for God. A close study of the Confessions will lead one to understand how Augustine views Christianity. Based on the document, Augustine believed that Christianity is about striving to be intimate with God and at the same time a daily struggle to make the flesh obedient to the call of a godly life in Christ Jesus. Intimacy with God One of the most radical concepts about Christianity is the notion that mere mortals can be intimate with God. In order to appreciate this idea one has to first understand that Christianity like Judaism believes in one Almighty God who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. They are not simply worshipping someone that is ruler of a particular locale, like a god that is in-charge of a really old Oak tree or some ancient hill. This God is the one and only. Aside from that the God of St. Augustine is a great Deity whose power is evident in the Old Testament portion of the Bible. The God of Augustine is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. And yet Augustine wanted to be close to Him. This is evident in Book I: The Early Years. In the first few paragraphs Augustines deep longings was evident by expressing near panic not knowing what to do first. Is it to call Him or to praise Him? Having the ultimate goal in mind Augustine said that, â€Å"You stir man to take pleasure in praising you, because you have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you† (Book I: Early Years). This desire for intimacy is actually radical. One only has to take a casual review of ancient religions, Greek and Roman mythology to realize that for thousands of years before Augustines Confessions God or the gods were considered to be mean and cruel. The ultimate goal of the worshiper is not to be intimate with the gods but to appease them. God according to other religion is indeed mighty but He is unapproachable. As one continues to read, one will find that Augustine was simply warming up. He is not merely content with the getting to know you stage and his desire to know God goes deeper not willing to accept a superficial relationship. Augustine did not write the Confessions because he simply wanted to earn the favor of God. He went one step further and in the first few sentence of Book II, Augustine declared that he desires to love God (see Book II: Adolescence). The Flesh The words coming from his pen were profound and those who may mistake Augustine’s longing for intimacy with the Almighty as wishful thinking. Augustine as agreed in beginning of this study was a man born to privilege and highly educated. If what he is saying is truth then it will be either as a mockery to God or as an honest desire to really know and be known by Him. One has to continue digging deeper into the Confessions in order to understand that Augustine was not deluded into thinking that this quest will be an easy one. It is at the point of realization that knowing God will not be an easy task Augustine begins to pour out his frustration that he is a sinner and has no illusion that he will be able to walk like the great and godly men of old like Moses and Elijah. In Book VIII: The Birthpangs of Conversion, Augustine mentioned his past, the desire for women and being enamored with the world and its intoxicating temptations. In Book VIII Augustine began to provide the resolution to a very complicated proposition that was made in the beginning of this study. It is possible to be intimate with God but its not going to be easy. The first step in order for a man to know God and be known by him, before a loving relationship between child and God can commence there is a need to first forsake worldly desires. In short a conversation from darkness to light must first occur and Augustine promises that there is nothing like it and that every sacrifice is worth every good thing that one can receive from Christ Jesus. Conclusion Aside from the fact that Augustine a highly educated, intelligent and very talented man to give up all the pleasures of this world to embrace the cross of Christ, there are other facets to the Confessions that are very radical. As mentioned earlier the concept that God is approachable and that one can build a relationship with him is an idea that is so advanced it is impossible to find any precedent other than the New Testament of the Christian Bible. But Augustine emphasized that he is not merely content to know God he is in the quest to learn how to love God. This is raising the bar so high it is almost impossible to reach it. It is a good thing to know that Augustine took time to explain that his goal of being intimate with God will not be a walk in the park. In fact, according to his own â€Å"confessions† there are many obstacles that must be overcome in order to achieve that goal. And it begins with conversion from darkness to light. At the end St. Augustine set an example and encourages many to strive for the impossible because it is only through God that one can find meaning, satisfaction and rest in this life. References Saint Augustine. (1998). Confessions. H. Chadwick (Trans. ). New York: Oxford University Press.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

dystopia Vs Utopia ( A clockwork orange Vs. Player Piano :: essays research papers

Utopia can be defined as a place immune from inhumane treatment and absent of the hardships of society , where the population is blindfolded from fear, anxiety, and general negative aspects of human nature. A utopia can be generalized as that perfect society. This is one type of a drastic society. There is another, more appalling type of society, that of a dystopia. A Dystopia is nor a fairyland or the promised-land like the utopia is, it looks at the chaos, anarchy, rebellion and disorder of a society. As we compare these two opposite society types, there are two books that are the poster child of utopia and dystopia. Those two books are Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano", and Anthony Burgess's "A Clockwork Orange". In Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano" we follow the hero Paul Protues through his utopian society. Where in his society they have just recovered from a ten year war and now has been built up and ran completely by machines. Furthermore a super computer always controls the populations actions, it acts as a shepherd leading the sheep. However where there are sheep there is always a ever lurking black sheep, Paul is that of a black sheep. Through his journey in this utopian society we follow his rebellion against the super computer and machines. As Paul progresses in his society it becomes less and less of a utopia on more and more of a force fed, totally governed society where there is little freewill. As we follow his expedition we can see the changing society from a utopia to what Paul perceives as a dystopia. In Anthony Burgess's "A Clockwork Orange" we observe the antagonist Alex in his blatant dystopia society. Where in his society they have high criminal activity and few police. We follow Alex and his "droogs" as they acts like Vikings, raping, pillaging, and burning. Alex has no respect for law and order he rebels in part one of the novel . However Alex is eventually caught by the police and put in jail. In jail he is tricked to being rehabilitated to becoming a productive member of society. After this forced rehabilitation Alex is then to perceive society as a utopian society and stop being so violent. He has lost his own freewill and his identity. When ever Alex thinks of violent images he then gets sick to his stomach.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Fahrenheit 9/11 Essay -- Michael Moore Movie Persuasion Essays

Fahrenheit 9/11 Michael Moore’s latest film, â€Å"Fahrenheit 9/11,† presents a critical look at the administration of George W. Bush and the War on Terrorism. In this film Moore investigates the rapid growth of the United States government and its trend of trampling the rights of individuals, and the corporatism that is spawned out of the close ties between big government and big business during wartime. Michael Moore may not convince all audiences, but is successful for its factual accuracy in which the evidence spoke for itself, and at the same time proclaimed Moore's artistry in transposing and splicing scenes to create impressions that supported his allegations and opinions. Michael Moore has employed two main techniques in an attempt to successfully influence his audience; psychological means of strategy, and cinematic techniques of persuasion. These methods, coupled with how they are presented to the audience, and how the audience react, are what Moore uses to create a scheming effect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Humor and emotional appeals is what Moore has used in Fahrenheit 9/11 to aid the effect of persuasion. For humor, Moore reaches for an ‘ad populum’ with his audience, looking to exert his opinion as a justification for his claim. An example can be with the Florida election, where Moore has used a fast tempo background piece of music. This sounds much like a stereotypical ‘hillbilly/country’ song; which can be related to Bush’s southern US state background. This music has several functions, including helping Moore’s rapid delivery of facts, but in this case it illustrates Moore’s opinion of the nature of the election – that it can be seen as some sort of ‘joke’. By providing a taunt at Bush’s background, Moore has given the audience humor. Comedy makes these messages more effective as it increases the liking for the source [Moore], and the choice of humor might illustrate a shared sense of hi larity that hints at a similar set of underlying ideas that the audience hold. In â€Å"Fahrenheit 9/11† Moore specifically uses anger as his primary emotion in order to persuade the audience, the anger of Lila Lipscomb, whose son died whilst in combat duty in Iraq. Moore’s interview with Lila Lipscomb provides an insight into the pain felt by families whose children had died during the war in Iraq. Moore presents the audience with the nature of Lipscomb’s anger directed at th... ...ainst its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia but to keep the very structure of society intact." The aim of this is to strengthen Moore’s view of the drive of the ruling class of modern hierarchical society imposing essentially permanent warfare. Moore reads the quote before the end of the movie. This tactic is used by Moore to give a more memorable and powerful statement, leaving the audience his solidarity attempt to question their leader’s action. Michael Moore brilliantly manipulates the conventions of film to make the audience see and feel these political and moral issues the way he does. Moore, an outspoken loather of the President has shaped his film like a cinematic bullet, with character assassination as his priority. â€Å"Fahrenheit 9/11† shows a series of solemn images and sound bites, arranged as a critical history of the President’s actions since he took office, including the abuse of power and use of fear tactics that have been employed for his monetary and narcissistic gains. Regardless of personal political leanings, â€Å"Fahrenheit 9/11† is an amazing accomplishment of individual expression and anti-government aggression.

Friday, October 11, 2019


THE KING WEARS A SHADES AS THE SUN SHINES BRIGHT WHICH MAKES HIS DAYS DARKER AND DARKER EVERY SINGLE DAY (with some relations to the Philippine Government and setting as a whole) A POSITION PAPER ON SOPHOCLES’ OEDIPUS REX REGULANO, Jean Paula Bermudez 2011-05787 HUM 1 X Oedipus Rex’ knowledge, which served as his gut against the others to be the King of Thebes, is only limited to the information on his people and his environment, excluding the information about himself due to his blindness and innocence on his own identity. In the midst of the downfall of the City of Thebes, is the entrance of a great leader who will dare to make a change, held the city up despite its fall, which will do his best for his term to be progressive and be full of legacy. What is it that makes this man a King, the kind of king projected in the story of Sophocles, the King who does not know some things behind? How could he achieve his goals for his city in the future if he cannot go back and take a look of what happened in the past? The city of Thebes, the city of secrets, the city of Gods, the city full of tragic with their King are what consists the play entitles, Oedipus Rex. What made Oedipus the King of Thebes? It all started with the legend of the Sphinx, a terrible monster in the Ancient Greece, whose body is consist of a lion, with wings of an eagle, and whose head is a head of a woman which had been sent to earth by the Gods to terrorize the land of Thebes to have a revenge on the former King, Laius, who raped a prince from another kingdom. All citizens of the poor city will be asked by the Sphinx by his riddles, a mind blowing riddle, and those who cannot answer, will be sent out of the earth. This had been a continuous process until one day, a man dared to pass a gate and unseemingly, become able to answer the riddle of the Sphinx. This man is Oedipus. Since the Sphinx’ riddle was answered, that means the fiend will now stop from terrorizing the city of Thebes. With that, people  idolized Oedipus, praised him as if he was a God like Zeus and the other great Greek Gods, and then a bit later, he was declared as the new King of Thebes, primarily because of his knowledge and not because of having someone who will pass the crown and position to him, which what actually happens in the Greek times that is if we are going to put it in the current government, specifically in the Philippine Setting, is what happens with a Political Dynasty. Painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres depicting Oedipus after he solves the riddle of the Sphinx. The Walters Art Museum. Therefore, his wisdom is what he used to be  able to lead the city in downfall, to be able to be a  King, which position is always dreamt by all the  citizens because of power hungriness and desire to  have a power to do all things for their own and for their  family which makes them selfish just like what we  have in the Philippine Congress right now, the misuse  of the taxpayers’ money, the continuous planning of  white elephant projects, misallocation of budget, all  becoming part of the politician’s pocket. But, will it  really benefit the society if someone like Oedipus will take the lead? Let us examine more who Oedipus is and what it that will and will not is make him a good leader. FREE WILL VERSUS DETERMINISM The idea of free will will always settle down in the word free, freedom. Attaining freedom and the word free are extremely big words. This simply means that having our own free will is having our own choices and it is on us to consider such constraints. It is not asking others of what is best for us, for example, when choosing a dress to wear or shoes to buy. This plays a very important role in our decision making process. Determinism is also another word that is so hard to define because of its vagueness of use and application. In any way, determinism is what pushes and  pulls us to do certain things which actually will lead us to the goal and/or maybe, will give us the answer whether we are up for this or not. This is also a philosophical position, a metaphysical one, which states that for everything that happens, there are conditions such that, given these conditions, nothing else could happen. This describes, simply, a cause and effect relation in variables. The free will and determinism concepts in the play in one way can be projected in the part where in Oedipus’ leadership was carefully examined. What is really, a hidden agenda of a man to be a King of such a place? All politicians who run for a position, saying or hiding this, have their own agendum of doing so. It would be so scripted for the people or for the mass to say that their only reason for asking a position is to have a better avenue to serve them, provide their basic social needs, to return back to them what they do for their nation as part of the nationbuilding, to offer his life as to bring progress and unite the people of a specific land. Though there are really some whose objective is this, but I wonder if they are placed in position right now. Oedipus’ is fortunate enough to be able to be the King of the City of Thebes, but, how about his tragic reversal of fortune as the story starts to end? Is it attributed to his own conduct? Or will it more reflect on his fate, which means that what happened is merely because it was planned, that is it was really meant to happen, and that it was not caused by the conduct of Oedipus? In an audience point of view, what happened towards the end is mainly because of his conduct. The death of Laius is really a big issue and as the one who overtook the position of the King who passed away, Oedipus was expected to give him the justice he deserves. He called on all of the people who may give him the answer of who is the man behind the death of the former King and to somehow diminish the vagueness of the case, but then, after hearing those that were said by the concerned people, Oedipus did not believe what they have just said. Instead, he continued searching for the truth, but since it all comes back to him, that he is the murdered of the former king, he chose to disagree. If at the first place, he accepted what his people said and searched for more details, the play might have ended in a less tragic moment. If, on the other hand, he did not gave his city a  somewhat like an information black out of what is happening to Laius’ case, it might have ended in a better way. In Oedipus’ point of view, as the play ends, he still chose not to believe on the words of his people which says that it was he who is the man behind the death of the king of Thebes who passed away, used his innocence of what he is, and made it to the point that everything was dictated by fate, first, him, being fortunate enough to be able to answer the riddle and be the King of the city, to have his people listen to him and such. Since he reflects every happening to fate—both the fortunes he received and the unnecessary unfortunate events that comes to life, what happened to him is governed and not related to his conduct as a leader and as a person as well. Oedipus can have avoided the tragic ending if he chose to lay down in his people’s words regarding the death of Laius. But what Sophocles did, is he chose to give his reader a somewhat heart attack, that as the play progresses, Oedipus kept all the information in him only, because he does not want anybody recognize him as a murderer especially because he is in a position, and it was an extreme shame for him and to his family as well to be called as one, and because the one that is under investigation is the death of a big man in politics too, the former King of Thebes, Laius. Man’s behavior in the world should be governed by free will. This is what it should be. But due to many constraints brought by the society, it becomes more governed by determinism as time passes by. What brings about determinism as the one which is responsible in governing people’s behavior? The social class. The concept of discrimination. The image of religion. The colonization and existence of imperialism. These are some factors which makes man’s behavior be determined. Others have to be slave and others have to be masters. Others have to be the politicians in the Philippine government, while others have to be part of the marginalized, oppressed and powerless. Inequality, it is. INNOCENCE VERSUS GUILT Innocence is mainly due to lack of information. This causes lots of vagueness to things which happens to be difficult to understand. It affects people’s decision making and this is detrimental in coming up with something that is relevant, rational and critical. Guilt, on the other hand, is what people feel after doing something which brought something that is bad or is not advantageous to the other. It is more of a kind of reflection people usually does after a sin has been committed. This makes a people better, because as he feels guilty, he becomes more prone in the realization of what he has done and that he should not do it again or any more so as not to affect or hurt his and the other people’s life in any way. Fig. 2 Oedipus and his wife. Oedipus Killed his father and marry his mother. One of the moral question of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex is that is He (Oedipus) should really be accountable for the death of Laius and for marrying his own mother? Is he innocent or if not, what makes sense? Some scholarly articles, says answers a firm no on the question of whether Oedipus was innocent on the crimes he did. â€Å"Oedipus was ignorant of the true nature of his actions and is therefore morally blameless.† (Carel, 2000) The rationale behind this is that, he cannot be held responsible because the true identity of his mother whom he married and his father who is the former king of Thebes, tragically, at that time, is different than his knowledge. Meaning, these two personas are strangers to him in the first place. But then, how can an intelligent man, holding accountable for knowing some information regarding his lineage, fail to understand the meaning of his actions towards the end of the play? In an audience point of view, Oedipus’ case of being innocent should no longer be laid under the table. He is not innocent; rather, he keeps his record on his own. As the story progresses, there is his secret that will soon be in the mouth of the public. It will all boil down to him, being regarded as an intelligent man who was able to answer the riddle of the Sphinx which happened to be the turning point of  the citizens of Thebes that later gave rise to the declaration of Oedipus as the new King who will take over the term of the old man who died in the crossroad. Therefore, if he will be regarded as innocent, then the justice for the death of Laius will not be attained, it will forever be a mystery or a case unsolved but is set aside, and it will also be possible to have more cases as such to come, which will make the city more in trouble instead of bringing the light back to them. Therefore, the daughter of Janet Napoles is then innocent for using the fund for the masses for her own stuff because she does not know that her mother is a thief, where in it is not possible for her not to ask her mom of where there billions came from or even realize what her mom does and how come she (Janet) was able to generate hundreds and hundreds of thousands per day. Another unfair thing, it is. This scenario significantly explains the importance of knowledge, a full and not partial and biased knowledge, a relevant one. Having a full knowledge on something is very important in a way that it can help himself and even other people when they encounter problems, in such way, looking and formulating solutions will never be that hard. In the story of Oedipus Rex, it is possible for him to avoid the occurrence of what had happened in the end if he just evaluated very carefully all the things the people who are knowledgeable of what happened. But it happened to be not. It is because he just contained the information that he was able to gather from the people and rejected the fact that it may be really possible to be him who is the man behind the death of the former King of Thebes. In a more clearer perspective, he already had all the resources but then, he just disregarded everything and tried to make his own process in giving the justice that should be obtained by the killed King. SIGHT VERSUS INSIGHT Darkness and light. The darkness in the play may be reflected in Oedipus’ blindness, literally and figuratively. Figuratively in a way that he is blinded from his own identity that he did not even know that he was the one who killed his King before his term, that his king happened to be his own  father, that he married a women on the age twice as he, that he did not know that it happened to be his mother. There are lots of revelations happened in the play and that made it as tragic as how Sophocles wanted it to be. This inconsistent argument brings confusion to whether Oedipus should really be held accountable for killing his father and marrying his mother. There is a point that is mentioned in earlier paragraphs that he lacked knowledge that is why, there is a mere possibility that it is really not his intention to render the crimes that had been raised against her towards the end of the play. On the other hand, light signifies the latter  part of the play where in, slowly, every single  thing turns to be a much clearer that it is in the  earlier part. It is when the vagueness of the story  started to diminish, having a brighter view of  prediction of what will happen next. In the end, it  is really true that no secret can be kept forever.  Oedipus is indeed a very intelligent king, that as he  received the responsibility of being the King  Fig. 3 Blind Oedipus embraces Antigone and Ismene  of Thebes whose primarily goal is to raise the city out of the downfall left by the former king who is killed. But then, there is really no perfect creature in the real world, though people might say that this is only a product of Sophocles’ wide imagination. Oedipus Rex’ knowledge is limited like the resources of the species in the world. It is only limited to the information on his environment, not with the information of his lineage, which set him b lind from his identity that even his behavior have no a hundred percent hold that it was governed by free will or determinism. BIBLIOGRAPHY (2010,09) Oedipus Rex: Innocence vs Guilt. Retrieved 09, 2010, from http://www. Carrel, Havi Hannah. 2000. Secrets and Lies: What Oedipus Really Knew. Orani: Culture, Creation and Critique. France. Rueda, Edward. (n.d).Oedipus Family Circus. Texts for Craig White’s Literature Courses. University of Houston Clear Lake.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Psychological Foundation of Education

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (University of the City of Manila) Gen. Luna St. Intramuros, Manila Graduate School of Arts, Sciences and Education Course Code and Title:Foundation of Education Title:Psychological Foundation Professor:Dr. Ofelia D. Lazarte Date:March 8, 2008 Teaching and learning are complex processes that bring people together. While teaching consist of behaviors are practiced by the teacher to facilitate and development of the individual, learning implies a relatively permanent change in behavior potentiality resulting from maturation and experience.Teaching and learning are both psychological processes. They are the main concerns of the teacher since learning is the ultimate purpose of teaching. The teacher who has a knowledge of the theories and principles of human development specifically intellectual development can design learning activities appropriate learner and will promote effective learning. The educative process has three components namely, the learner who is the center of the educative process in a school, the teachers who provides needed learning opportunities ands guide learners, and the learning process undertaken to achieve the desired outcomes.There are two general factors that affect the human development: heredity and environment. Heredity and environment complement and supplement each other in every phase of growth and development. In the life span of human beings, there are stages of development based on the chronological age of individuals. These are prenatal period, infancy or babyhood, early childhood, late childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle age and old age. Corresponding to each stage are certain characteristics and social expectations termed developmental tasks.Several theories of development were formulated by psychologists to explain behavioral changes at various stages of development. The five theories of development are Piaget's theory of cognitive development, Vygotsky's theory of development, Eri kson's psychological theory of development, Freud's psychoanalytic theory and Kohlberg's theory of moral development. For successful teaching, educators should understand variations among individuals. They show physical, intellectual, and behavioral differences.Learning is the acquisition through maturation and experience of new and more knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable the learner to make better and more adequate reactions, responses, and adjustments to new situations and conditions. An understanding of the nature of learning and the conditions under which learning takes place is very important to the teacher. There are three types of learning Cognitive learning which pertains to the acquisition of knowledge, facts and information, principles, ideas, concepts, understanding, reasoning.Affective learning which involves the process of acquiring good attitudes ideas, judgment and values and Psychomotor learning which involves the use of the muscles in bodily movement. Learning theories are classified as behavioral learning theories and cognitive learning theories. Among the behavioral theories are: Thorndike's connectionism; Skinner's operant conditioning; Pavlov's classical conditioning; and Albert Bandura's social learning theories. Cognitive theories of learning emphasize the concept that learning is a process of discovering and understanding relationships.Among the cognitive theories are; Kurt Lewin's field theory, Kohler's insight theory, Ausebels's meaningful learning theory, Bruner's cognitive theory, and information-processing theories. The teacher is the key factor in the classroom learning situation. She performs varied roles as model, manager, counselor, facilitator and evaluator of learning. Motivation is the process of arousing and sustaining interest in activity in order to achieve a goal. There are two kinds of motivation; intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic is an internal stimulus that arouses one to action while extrin sic motivation is an external stimulus to action.It comes in the form of praise, high grades, medals, incentives, etc. There are various theories of motivation related to learning. A well-known theory of motivation is by Abraham Maslow. Other motivation theories are David McClellands need achievement theory and attribution theory. Communication is also very important in the learning situation. In the classroom, different patterns of classroom interaction are adopted by the teacher and students ensure effective learning. Knowing and understanding learning styles will enables the teacher to design strategies and methods of teaching that will match diversity of learning styles among pupils.

Poverty: Population Density and Countries Essay

Overpopulation, the situation of having large numbers of people with too few resources and too little space, is closely associated with poverty. It can result from high population density (the ratio of people to land area, usually expressed as numbers of persons per square kilometer or square mile) or from low amounts of resources, or from both. Excessively high population densities put stress on available resources. Only a certain number of people can be supported on a given area of land, and that number depends on how much food and other resources the land can provide. In countries where people live primarily by means of simple farming, gardening, herding, hunting, and gathering, even large areas of land can support only small numbers of people because these labor-intensive subsistence activities produce only small amounts of food. In developed countries such as the United States, Japan, and the countries of western Europe, overpopulation generally is not considered a major cause of poverty. These countries produce large quantities of food through mechanized farming, which depends on commercial fertilizers, large-scale irrigation, and agricultural machinery. This form of production provides enough food to support the high densities of people in metropolitan areas. Read more:Â  Advantages and Disadvantages of Overpopulation A country’s level of poverty can depend greatly on its mix of population density and agricultural productivity. Bangladesh, for example, has one of the world’s highest population densities, with 1,078 persons per sq km (2,791 persons per sq mi). A large majority of the people of Bangladesh engage in low-productivity manual farming, which contributes to the country’s extremely high level of poverty. Some of the smaller countries in western Europe, such as The Netherlands and Belgium, have high population densities as well. These countries practice mechanized farming and are involved in high-tech industries, however, and therefore have high standards of living. At the other end of the spectrum, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have population densities of less than 30 persons per sq km (80 persons per sq mi). Many people in these countries practice manual subsistence farming; these countries also have infertile land and lack the economic resources and technology to boost productivity. As a consequence, these nations are very poor. The United States has both relatively low population density and high agricultural productivity; it is one of the world’s wealthiest nations. High birth rates contribute to overpopulation in many developing countries. Children are assets to many poor families because they provide labor, usually for farming. Cultural norms in traditionally rural societies commonly sanction the value of large families. Also, the governments of developing countries often provide little or no support, financial or political, for family planning (see Birth Control); even people who wish to keep their families small have difficulty doing so. For all these reasons, developing countries tend to have high rates of population growth. Most developed countries provide considerable political and financial support for family planning. People tend to limit the number of children they have because of the availability of this support. Cultural norms in these countries also tend to affirm the ideal of small family size. Recently, however, some developed countries with declining population levels have begun experimenting with incentives to increase the birth rate. (See also Population: World Population Growth and Distribution.)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Globalization and HRM Strategies Research Paper

Globalization and HRM Strategies - Research Paper Example Size A typical Wal-Mart store covers almost 108,000 square feet of space. The size of Wal-Mart supercentre can be almost 185,000 square feet, and a usual neighborhood market of Wal-Mart can be almost 42,000 square feet. The size of Wal-Mart express stores is average 15,000 square feet. In the year 2011, the total selling area of Wal-Mart was more than 617 million square feet and has continued to increase (Wal-Mart Stores, 2011; Wal-Mart Stores, 2011). Location Wal-Mart had established retail stores in several locations of the world by diverse styles and setups, which can fulfill the requirement of customers. Presently, the company is regarded as one of the fastest growing multinational corporations (MNCs) with 5366 stores across 27 countries outside the USA (Wal-Mart Stores, 2011). Number of Employees Wal-Mart is considered as one of the largest private establishments in terms of employment in the USA, Canada and Mexico. In global perspective, Wal-Mart employs almost 2.1 million peop le and the USA alone comprised 1.4 million in the year 2011 (Wal-Mart Stores, 2011). 2.0 Impact of Globalization on Human Resource Management (HRM) Globalization has huge impact on the performance of Wal-Mart. Due to globalization Wal-Mart had lowered their products pricing in order to compete with other retail companies. The major competitors of Wal-Mart in the international market are Carrefour, Metro Group and Tesco Plc among others which led Wal-Mart to reduce the operational cost of business. Aggressive cost cuts in the products is a significant impact of globalization for Wal-Mart which had also raised several human resource management concerns against the company such as low wages of employees and lack of health benefits among others (Masters, 2004). Cultural Impact on HRM Globalization has provided MNCs the opportunity to expand the market and business operations in order to increase their financial strengths, but it has also resulted in developing corporate culture to prote ct the human resources. In the global market, the major problem for Wal-Mart was inapplicability to the local culture. Low wages, power of unions and discrimination among employees have impacted the human resource management of Wal-Mart in the international market. For instance, Wal-Mart was strictly alleged for discriminating Chinese employees by remunerating them below minimum wage (Mesa Community College, 2009). Impact of Labor Market on HRM strategies Labor market can certainly form the HRM strategies and it is one of the major aspects in defining the ‘degree of freedom’ in an organization. The HRM strategy of Wal-Mart is determined by availability of labor in the market with particular ability, knowledge and proficiency. The pressure of global competition has led Wal-Mart to implement flexible labor strategies with more hazardous work provisions. In recent years, development in financial, political and industrial domains had expressively transformed the arrangement of labor supply and type of labor essential by the organizations. One of the most powerful aspects which formed the international labor market is enhanced process of globalization. The development of international financial system, manufacture structure, market structure and complex forms of international immigration had generated substantial interconnectedness among domestic and local labor markets. Consequently, it is significant for Wal-Mart to recognize the labor marketplace to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Leadership, Teambuilding and Communication Assignment

Leadership, Teambuilding and Communication - Assignment Example In this theory, shows that some people have better leadership traits than others. He concludes that there are those people who are born to lead while others were born to be led. Behavioral approach is one other form of traditional leadership style, in this leadership theory, there are three leadership styles that are distinct from each other. Their styles include; authoritarian leadership whereby, the leader maintains strong control over the group at work. In this form of leadership, motivation is by coercion, and there is no free communication between the leader and the staff. Communication comes from the leader only, and the workers are there to follow. In this kind of leadership, there is high productivity but with low self-motivation and autonomy by the workers. Democratic approach is another form of leadership style that is friendlier to the subordinate staff. In the case here, there is free communication from both the staff and the leadership. Decision-making involves everybody in the organization, and the staff seen as a whole and not as a leader. Therefore, it gives room for constructive criticism and autonomy among the employees in the organization. Lastly, there is laissez-faire leadership style, where there is little or no control from the leader (Murphy, 2005). The kind of leadership is so much of the essence in situations with poorly defined problems that need brainstorming to come over the problems. There are a number of leadership theories that include, transformational, cite suggested that leaders have the abilities to groom their followers into better leaders in the future. The grooming is achieved successfully by letting followers have the freedom to control their behaviors.Â